Monday, August 10, 2015

Waiting for baby

Spending time with my little man before baby has been soo special, calm and relaxing for the both of us.

He is loving being home with me for the month of August before JK begins in September! 

Today was a rainy day so after we ran some errands we stayed in and 

It melts my heart everytime little k asks me if babyM is coming today. He is just the sweetest. Having conversations with him about the baby in mommy's tummy is so special. I think he really understands it. He also told me that once the baby is out of my tummy, my tummy will get small. Haha I hopeso too! Such cutenesssss. He's going to be a great big brother! 

It seems like forever ago that this little man was a newborn! 
Ahh my love. Soon another little boy will be in my arms! 

It's my birthday week! And maybe baby M's too??!!! 

Sunday, August 09, 2015

A little Home decor

We have a long list of to do's for our new home. Some things we can get to right away, and some things need a little more time. 

A couple weeks ago I bought a hutch for the kitchen. 

It filled the space perfectly! But it needed an art piece to go above it. I saw one piece I loved 2 weeks ago but when I sent the Mr to get it, it was gone :(

So Saturday morning I went into the basement and brought up some art that we had in the old home. And doing some switcharoos we decided to put the office art piece in the kitchen!

I also bought some new pieces for the counter... 

And we put up some art we had in the basement, that fit perfect with our theme. 

I also bought a jar and filled it with coffee beans to add beside our coffee maker! 

The kitchen is almost complete! I just need my backsplash! And a vase or 2 for some empty corners. 

On Saturday we went into Homesense for that jar for the beans above. And walked out with much more.

Including an art piece for the living room! 

The living room needs a more art on the other wall but I haven't seen a piece I liked yet! Oh and wall paint colors. That will be next years projects! 

Baby Michael is due any day now, so our home decor will turn into baby items all over ha! 

Have a great week friends! 

Thursday, August 06, 2015

38 weeks!

We are soo close to meeting baby M! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy went by! 

I'm 38 weeks! And feeling pretty good! Minus the normal aches and pains and swelling ha! I'm doing alright!

Today little k and I had a busy day! 

It began with a starbucks date! 

Latte for me and cake pop for the little! 

We had a nice coffee date before heading to the OB!

We heard the baby's heartbeat and doctor is happy with the growth, but still decided to do an ultrasound just to check up since I was a little concerned about movement. 

We then headed home for lunch.

We are practicing with the yumbox as much as we can! School begins in Sept! 

Little man has no problem getting to his lunch! He doesn't need any help at all. Now im just trying different foods and making a list of options! What to put in the yumbox is the fun part haha! 

After lunch we played a bit then headed to the ultrasound appointment! 

Little k fell asleep in the car. Good thing I had the stroller! I put him in the stroller and had the ultrasound done as he slept! Ha! 

The tech said littleM looks about 6lbs, fluid is good, movement good. All looks good! So we patiently wait until he is ready to meet us!!!! 

When little k woke he was asking to see baby m on the tv. Haha little did he know that he slept through the whole thing! 

We then waited for daddy to get home from work to have a family night out. Dinner and icecream!!! These days before baby M!!!

Feeling some Braxton hicks tonight!!! Any day now baby M!!!

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Last day of work and summertime fun!

Yay! My maternity leave has begun! 

Friday was my last day. I can't tell you how good this morning feels not having to drag myself up and out for the commute into work! 

Friday wasn't really a work day, it was longcoffee breaks and lunch breaks with the great people I work with. Then off early to begin my maternity leave. 

Oh! And the last day of summer camp for little k! He will be off with me for the summer! But then to a new school in 
September so there was some sad goodbyes Friday too :( 

Then the weekend! It was a long weekend, August civic holiday! 

We planned a jammed packed weekend. Could be the last before baby ha! 

First up. A little bbq party at our place. 
We have no fences in our backyard yet so we put up a tent and some tables and had a great time. The kids loved having access to the neighbors play set too! 

Lots of fun! The party went on to 230am! 

The next day we had more fun planned. My aunt and uncles annual summer pool party! 

Ok, being in the water pregnant is the best feeling!!!! When I was floating in the deeper end holding on to the noodle I felt my joints loosen up and not feel so stiff. My body felt Sooo relaxed! 

Always the best time with family! 

Our family is growing Soo much!!! 

With 7 of us grandchildren and almost 6 grandchildren, with many more to come! 
Can't wait to see how filled this pool is in the next 5-10years! Ha! 

The next day we still had a more fun planned! A beach day!!! We found a beach only an hour away. A perfect place with a playground for the kids and clean water to play in! 

The kids had a blast! We will be making this a summer tradition with family. 

Cousin love! And at least 2 more cousins to be joining here :) next year baby Michael will be in this wagon! 

Hope you all had a great weekend too!!!

First day of my maternity leave and patiently waiting for baby Michael! 

We are all so excited to meet him!!! 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

36 weeks and Some new things!

36 weeks! Today my OB appt went well. Although I have a lot of swelling on my left side! Doc told me to take it easy! 
I don't have much longer eeeeee could be any day now. Up to 4 weeks to go! Doc wants 38-39 weeks, Eee that's 2 weeks away!!! She also said to pay close attention to baby movements from now on. This little guy moves a lot! So I should be able to notice a decline.  Kristian wasn't as active. But I did notice a decline and that's when I went to the hospital and ended up getting induced! 

Little man starts jk in September so I wanted to make sure I organized most things for him before baby! Because we will all be soo busy. 

I'm going to be trying new lunch ideas since I'll be packing his daily lunches! 

Here are some new buys! 

We will try different foods daily that way I have a go to list of what works! 

I also bought a waffle maker. I'm going to try different waffles with fruit and chia seeds and see if the little man will enjoy that for breakfast or desserts! My sister in law does this for her girls and they love it. 

This week at little mans summer camp it was dino week. He had to show me the board with the pictures. How cute!! 

Although I'm slowing down a lot because I'm bigger and have swollen feet:( wears Trying to make summer as much fun as we can before baby brother arrives!! 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

35 weeks weekend fun!

35 weeks!!! Getting Braxton hicks more often. 

I feel heavy!!! And a little more stiff! Swelling in my feet has begun. Grrr! Only a few more weeks of work then it's some time off before baby! 5 more weeks!!!!! And we will be 4!!!!

Friday night we had dinner by the lake 
For the best panzos in town! And little k always needs to order fried calamari at restaurants. His favorite! He also ordered pasta with meatballs and of course just ate the calamari and meatballs and left the pasta. 
Little k loves the walk by the lake, as do we! I can just picture us when the kids are older bike riding or rollar blading as s family down by the lake :D. 

We then headed downtown to watch some Pan Am Entertainment in our city! 

We danced and watched live music and a ballet! 

We had another weekend of late nights! 

Saturday morning we slept in which was great. We then had a bbq party at my brothers place. He had a jumpy castle and trampoline and the kids and big kids jumped the night away ha!!! 

The kids had so much fun together. 
And we adults always entertain eachother. Of course we were the last to leave. My husnand and brother did not want to part ha! Little k fell asleep on the sofa and I was chatting about our next summer party.

Today was another super hot day! Which leaves me limited in what I can do at 35 weeks. So we decided to go to African lions safari! 

Kristian has been asking for over a wel now to go see animals, so he just loved it. 

Up close and personal! 

Very busy and fun weekend!!!!

Patiently waiting for baby M!!!!