Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hump Day Update!

I found a site that I was able to put my current weight and desired weight and get these cute images. So I put what I originally started at and a goal weight of 128 (Not even close). Like I mentioned before I am more bottom heavy, I don't think the pics really look like my body- add more thickness to the legs for the top one and there its me lol ahhaa.

Last night my sister and I went for a 2 hour walk and took 12500 steps! I was shocked! :) And boy was I exhausted when I got home!

My weight has not changed for a while now, I'm guessing I should make more changes than what I have been doing but I will reevaluate Monday.

Job hunt has begun, which is really hard. I've had many different positions and have a college diploma in Business and a software testing certificate so I've been in the office industry and in the IT world. I'm a little confused on what to go towards now since being laid off... I will misssss being home!! :( too many changes to overcome these days. All I can repeat in my head is that it only means I'm growing towards my dreams ;)

What career path do you have? Do you enjoy what you do? Have you changed career paths lately?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Food Plan for the week

Last week was good and bad all mixed together :) I did ok reaching some high numbers on the pedometer this weekend. 13500 Sunday alone :) Proud of that. Not so proud of the Big mac and fries I had on Sunday (bad bad!). I'm the classic emotional eater. When stressed, Big mac always makes me feel better, Ha! that is so bad isn't it!

The move is in 2 weeks and the house is upside down! I'm also trying to consume all frozen foods since our appliances don't come till the next day after the move, I really don't want to waste food especially on our super tight budget.

On that note, I'm looking for work these days as well. Our online company is doing well but I think our move was more expensive than we thought. So my job hunt has become more serious!! Boo :( Is it bad that I actually enjoy being home? I love the time for myself I get so much done working on the online business and to tell you the truth we save money too ;) Buuut We need all the extra cash we can get at least until we settle in and get our numbers straight. I'm pretty good at time management so I am sure that even with Full time work I can get all my extra activities fit in there as well. ;)

On a better note. My asthma is improving! With the meds I take daily, I haven't had coughing or wheezing for at least 5 days straight! I'm super happy about this! I'm going to try and run a couple laps this week and see if I have improvement in my breathing :)

Grocery shopping yesterday was a success, I bought lots of meals to be cooked at home :) So I will plan my meals out so that way we can stay AWAY from Fast Food! Bought a new wing sauce for wings :) Love eating weeks cause I can eat them with just a salad as a side. I'm trying to minus the carbs as much as we can.

Here are my new goals for the week. (Well same as last weeks, I didn't add anything from last weeks goals, I think I need to work hard on these 5 goals and FOCUS!)

1. Continue cooking at home (Plan meals)
2. Limit or fully cut out fast food, no fries!
3. No coffee shop foods, only coffee
4. Workout 3-5 times a week (1hour workouts) and/or 10000 steps on the pedometer.
5. No eating after 7pm.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gotta Step it up! Help!

I only did 4528 steps yesterday, I opted out of my trail walk to watch the movie the Hangover (crazy funny a little disturbing ahahah!)

This week has not been good on the diet side. Altho I'm cooking at home, I'm eating wayy too much and I also made cookies the other night and ate like 10 of them!!!! I don't know what is up with this week I'm thinking (blaming) the move is too stressful and I feel my motivation diminishing. How can I break out of this lazy bump? I need to get it back! Good thing it's still cool here in Toronto because wearing shorts or even a bikini can not happen for me yet. :( I feel so frustrated!

This is the park across my street, today there are a couple of ppl with their personal trainers (ha!I should join them!) watching them is making me feel so bad for not achieving my goals this week. I'm going to head out this afternoon for a walk and hopefully achieve my 10000 steps today. :)

Have a great weekend everyone ;)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hump day update - gorgeous day!

A nice sunny day love these days! Still a little cool but at least the Sun is out. Monday was so cold that the heat in the house went on! Hopefully our summer comes out soon! Actually I take that back, soon but I also need to get bikini ready which I am not!

I Did my weigh in today and I am exactly the same! I need to boost this up! I've been reading other blogs and I read that Acai pills or Hoodia are really good to aid in weight loss. When I was younger I was obsessed with weight loss pills, I would take anything that sounded promising. I even bought these "Brazilian Diet pills" From a customer from a job I was at for something like 300 dollars for a month in a half! I was crazy! They did work tho. My friend and I still laugh about it because we lost a lot of weight but once off them we both gained double the weight back!!!!!

So I'm verrrry sceptical these days about taking anything different. However, I am feeling a little desperate these days.

I added lunges to my daily routine. I'm more bottom heavy and my thighs are my main issue! My thighs prevent me from finding good fitting pants, and Jeans, ha! forget it! I own only 1 pair and not a fan of how I look in them..I hate it! Tights and long tops have become my daily wear.

I've been doing well with my pedometer, I love how I'm constantly aware of how many steps I do. I haven't hit the park yet so my yesterday and monday I only got up to 7500 and 5500 steps, but today I will reach my 10000 or above when I hit the trails!

Packing the house for the move is almost done ;) I have some empty rooms now. I have mixed feelings of happiness and sadness all mixed together lol whaa to that!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Feel'n gloomy on this gloomy Monday

I wish I got more ZZZZZZ's last night. I was awake all night coughing like crazy. I'm pretty sure that the Asthma meds made me sick, I have a horrible sore throat and coughing soo much. I slept on the living room couch yesterday cause I felt bad waking up the husband coughing all night when he had work this morn. I can tell you I feel horrible today, I went out for lunch and grabbed a latte and right now I'm still dosing off as I'm writing. Not a good start of the week! whaa!

I didn't do a weigh in today, maybe I will be brave on my Wednesday update. I've been doing good and bad. My pedometer is really a great help and I get excited to increase the steps cause it's so fun! Ok so last weeks goals are below, let's see how I did...

1. Continue cooking at home ( I did really well all week, however we did eat out a couple times on the weekend ;( Below was one of the meals I made. Haddock kabob with spinach salad, rice and a samosa YUM!

2. Limit or fully cut out fast food, no fries! (eee had fries once this week ;(
3. No coffee shop foods, only coffee ( Had timbits, not thaaaat bad lol)
4. Workout 3-5 times a week (1hour workouts) ( 4 times)
5. 1 minute push ups everyday (only 3 times)
6. 1 minute jumping on trampoline (i'll move my trampoline to the first floor, my husband said he dosnt want me breaking the house before our move hahahah! Nice huh. ( Did not get a chance to jump around lol)
7. Try and relax and not let stress get to me, read every night before bed to relax my mind (Tried but the move is really stressing us both out and we are fighting a lot!)

For this week I'm going to make similar goals and minusing out some previous ones.

1. Continue cooking at home
2. Limit or fully cut out fast food, no fries!
3. No coffee shop foods, only coffee
4. Workout 3-5 times a week (1hour workouts) and/or 10000 steps on the pedometer.
5. No eating after 7pm. ( I did this a couple times last week and weight was down the next morning, sounds good to me!)

Keeping it short and simple this week ;)

Friday, June 05, 2009

3 more weeks!

3 More weeks till our move! Zoe is not happy with some of the empty rooms in the house!
As I mentioned before our home is a 3 story home and our bedroom was on the 3rd floor. Yesterday we started packing up the 3rd floor and brought our bedroom down to the second floor and into the office room. (So I don't have offie pics for Kellys Korner Show your home Friday ;( ) .... We took apart the office and brought it all down to the main floor where the dining room use to be since that is also taken apart! Zoe was mad and running around all night meowing wondering why things are not where they use to be hahha!

I was not impressed with the massive dust bunnies under the furniture, ha! no wonder I can't breathe. I must say, altho the new asthma meds the doc gave me have me with a sore throat and a little chest tightness, I think I was able to do a lot more than I ever did yesterday without getting overly tired. However I did go to bed soo achy, lower back pain and my knee is acting up again. (not sure the issue with the knee, feels like arthritis, omg my bod is breaking down everyday, so scary!) Whhhaaa!

Weekend is here, and don't really have anything exciting planned, only packing and cleaning, fun!

Have a great weekend everybody. Hopefully I have some good progress on my weigh in Monday ;) Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Hump Day Update ;)

I bought a pedometer! Fellow blogger friend has been following the regime of 10000 steps 4 days a week. So I decided to jump on this too. I need all the help I can get. Now that my doctor looked me straight in my eyes saying my breathing "is NOT normal" makes me want to prove even more that nothing will get in my way and make sure that my August appt shows improvement! (weird the way I react when someone tells me something I don't like) lol

I bought the pedometer yesterday afternoon and by the time I went to bed I did 6500 steps, not bad huh! Today so far Ive only done 615 so I need to get steppn!

I'm on a crazy tight budget (NO FUN) so I bought the cheaper pedometer at only 5.99 but wish I went for the 11.99 one, (don't ask why I just didn't ;( ) the 11.99 one had the calories loss on it too, that would be good to find out. I'm sure I can look it up on the net to see how many cals are lost in 10000 steps.

This weeks goals are going pretty well so far. But I did have a choc chip cookie tho, just one ;) hhaha! It's just soooo hard, it totally called my name!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Asthma Follow up

Today the doctor officially told me I pretty much have Asthma . I'm always surprised at these new problems that arise as I get older, whaa! Not happy about this. I thought I was doing pretty good, many of my recent jogs the last couple weeks have been without the need of using the puffer. 2 weeks ago I went for a test that would give me low doses of a medication to induce an asthma attack. The lab tech told me she would make me inhale a little at a time in separate intervals to see how my lungs react etc. I thought forsure I would last pretty long... to mine and the lab techs surprise I had an asthma attack at the smallest first dose she gave me! Whats up with these lungs! She looked over at me and said ok, the test is done, your lungs are very sensitive :(. The doctor did another test today to measure the exhale airflow, he said I don't have normal readings for my height and weight. (hmm I wonder if he meant I'm overweight haha!) He put me on a daily medicine (hate taking meds!) for 3 months. I'll go back to him in August for another test to see if my airways show improvements. Fingers crossed if they do. Cause if they do, then that will mean I'll be able to exercise longer meaning more weightlossss I think, I hope... always a brighter side right. Now if I can just use my positive spin on the other aspects of my life ;)

Monday, June 01, 2009

Monday blues

Monday morning and still do not want to hit that scale. It is so weird, it's almost as if I'm terrified of it!

Friday night I went out with the girls we had a great time. I'm so glad I wore all black, all the girls looked great and no way I'd be caught wearing shorts yet, my legs are far from fit ;(. It does help me get more motivated tho.

I think I did ok following my goals last week;

1.Workout 1 hour 5 days a week (I am going to try my very best to get out to the park mon-thurs and sunday) *** I did 4 times, not bad.

2. I will also add 1 min of push ups (as on my fellow blogger WeightLossWeekly Blog) *** Hmm I did this 3 times.

3. No coffee shop treats at all this week! Only coffee allowed ;0 *** My biggest accomplishment last week, NO DONUTS! I'm sooo happy I accomplished this goal!

4. Cook at home all week. This I can do, the weekends I need to work harder on. *** Whoohoo did this tooo only had fast food once and that was after the club Friday night booo

5. If fast food comes in the picture, choose healthier choice and no fries! *** Ok flunked this one HA!, had fries with gravy that club night.

Ok new goals this week.

1. Continue cooking at home
2. Limit or fully cut out fast food, no fries!
3. No coffee shop foods, only coffee
4. Workout 3-5 times a week (1hour workouts)
5. 1 minute push ups everyday
6. 1 minute jumping on trampoline (i'll move my trampoline to the first floor, my husband said he dosnt want me breaking the house before our move hahahah! Nice huh.
7. Try and relax and not let stress get to me, read every night before bed to relax my mind

Added more to the list ;)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ah ha moment...

Lots of stress in our home these days. Our move is 4 weeks away and many things are not going as planned. Can I say extreme stress is in our way! It's almost as if the more I pray for things to work out, they are getting worse... I still trust in God and a true believer that all things happen for a reason, so lets hope it's a good reason...

So since the weekend wasn't all smiles I got to thinking a lot. I started focusing on my weight gain and really thought hard to see when it all started. My weight was never that steady but I was always able to lose when I tried. But lately I've been really trying and I find myself only losing a couple of pounds then gaining it right back. So what is so different now than before?

I started to think back and my weight started creeping up when I moved out with my husband at age 24. I'm 27 now and 20 lbs (15 now) heavier then I was then. My ah ha moment came when I started to think that since then it has been soo many stressful days, not all is stressful but way more stressful than I could have ever imagined it. Money, relationship, career all stress! I'm really praying that the move to the next house is the beginning to no more stress or at least very limited stress! So my ah ha moment (or blame you can call it haha!) is stress! I think Stress is the reason my weight wants to stick to me and not go away... Something I will need to add to my Monday weight loss goals, ... tackle stress!

I did get one good thing out of the weekend, a mind calming 2 hour walk thru the beautiful park yesterday morning ;) Nature always makes me feel better on those down days.