Thursday, March 08, 2012

Blog post New items and dropping weight

My house has been neglected since baby boy came into our lives. I have a list of things I still want to change and purchase for our home. Seems like there is no extra time!

The other night I bought a new art piece for the dining room and a new carpet for the front door ;)

I still want to get some accent chairs for the dining room and my bedroom!

(pics may not be in order, using blogging app)

I did a weigh in today and dropped 2lbs. Must be the 2-3 hour Breastfeeding schedule baby boy is back on these days. In total I have dropped 34lbs!!! Yippy!

I haven't been good with watching what I eat, I still have a major sweet tooth, but I try my best to eat healthy so baby boy is getting lots of nutrients!

I eat 1 avocado a day! I love avocados and once baby is ok with cereals, his first fruit will be an avocado!

What's your favorite fruit/veggie?

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Baby's 4 month Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday baby boy had his 4 month vaccines and check up!

He is 13lbs 24 inches long.

Doctor was very happy with baby K's development. Yay!

He is also happy with Kris's eating schedule, even tho I thought maybe it's still too often every 2-4 hours. Doctor said nope, it's fine.

I told him that Kris is not interested in a bottle or a pacifier, but loves to nurse and loves to suck his thumb.

He said to allow Kris to suck his thumb and he encourages it. He said we want to teach baby to self soothe. I never thought anything of it and never stopped him either, it's actually really cute, especially when he nurses and sneaks his thumb in there on the side too. Haha!

Doctor also said that we can start rice cereals. Just a teaspoon a day and move up from there. Once I think Kris is ready I can move on to fruits and veggies. He said I don't need to follow any timeline.

With my own research I decided to wait a couple more weeks before starting in rice cereal. But I'm excited that Kris is on to the next stage soon!

Kris got his needles, cried at the poke but I got him to laugh right after, whoop!

Everyday is amazing, everyday baby boy learns something new and it makes me so happy.

I can't get enough of this mr snuggles!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy 4 months, Happy Leap Year!

Baby boy you are 4 months today! Happy leap year too! You won't have this day for another 4 years!

What's going on at 4 months.

We still think you are teething, you rub anything you can get in your mouth on your bottom teeth.

You grab your toys and you put them right in your mouth and you try and eat those cute feet of yours too!

You love to babble and scream and talk to us.

You drool a lot these days and you love blowing bubbles haha

You smile and laugh so much. We love your smile! We love when you get excited and kick and wave your arms like crazy it's hilarious.

You love attention, you love being talked to and love being held outwards so you can see the world. You just stare at daddy when he speaks and he makes you giggle so much.

Your sleep is all over the place. You do 4-6 hour stretches some days then go right back down to 2 hour stretches other days. I follow your schedule, so no need to worry haha I'm not trying to rush you into anything. There's time for that. ;)

You are 4 months and 13 pounds you are in size 2 diapers but I will move on to size 3 when this pack is over. You are still EBF ;)

This month we will have some firsts. Like leaving you with daddy for 8 hours! I know you will do just fine. It's more of a first for mama.

However you still don't take a bottle, which stresses me about leaving you for long... I'm hoping you will be ok with it soon!

We will bring out your baby einstein jumperoo this month so you can play and learn.

You still are not a fan of the swing, I noticed that you can sit in it longer when it's not swinging haha.

This week you get your second set of vaccines! I'm nervous!

You are such a fun baby, you brighten our lives. We love you soo much!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Fun weekend, lots of parties!

This past week and weekend was full of birthdays and other events.

Wednesday was my husbands 33rd bday and my niece's 11th birthday.

Friday the guys had a stag so I had some girls over for a fun night in. We were singing, dancing and eating! Ha!

Then Saturday we had a baby shower and my niece's birthday party.

And Sunday my bff's son's 1st birthday!

Baby K was soo good being so busy, he loved being around so many people but was also pooped. He even has been sleeping 5 hour stretches since Friday! Whoohoo!

Here are some pics from the weekend.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Fitness Friday!

I haven't been doing too well with fitness friday. I did however accomplish the goal of no sweets for the week because I was still recovering from the food poisoning I had last weekend.

My tummy has been sensitive and I haven't been able to eat much.

With that said, I lost 5 lbs haha Whohoo! But it was nooo fun.

I'm hoping to really get back on track next week!

Next weeks goal is to Do three sets of planks for 60 seconds each, each day. Eeek! Let's see how I do with that!

Have a good weekend everyone! We have a busy one with 2 birthdays and a baby shower ;)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

What a weekend.

It's a long weekend here. Today is family day so my husband is off. We had a busy weekend out. Friday I spent the whole day with my sister shopping. I bought Kristian 2 suits for upcoming weddings. Saturday we had my cousins birthday party which was really fun and also went to visit my grandparents and celebrated my husbands birthday with his family yesterday. Lots of running around! But lots of fun. Kristian loves being out and about.

Saturday night I was sooo sick!! I think it was food poisoning. I was throwing up so much and had really bad cramping ;( I still feel nauseous today but haven't thrown up since, ugh! Don't even remember when the last time I was sick like that. I think it may have been the food court food. Never again will I eat there! Blah!!!

Here are some weekend pics ;)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mom talk, Love my baby boy

 I just love my little boy. Everyday he grows so much and does something new. It's such an amazing feeling. I never thought about how it would actually feel to be a mom. Some days are a little more hectic than others, but when your little baby smiles at you, it's the most heart melting incredible feeling.
 As a parent, especially a new parent, you are always looking up information, reading asking other moms what they do... but I realized that every mom does things their own way and which ever way works best for them. There is no wrong way of doing things... just your way, and that makes it right for you. You will see some moms saying dates of how early their baby hit certain milestones or talk sleep or eating milestones as if it's a competition it's hilarious. Or rushing their babies to hit milestones.Or not holding your baby because they will get spoiled (I've had moms make comments to me about attending to my crying baby) ... Our babies won't be babies forever! But every parents has their own ways. All babies and parents have their own growth and lifestyle. As long as mom, dad and baby are happy it's allll that matters. :)

While I was pregnant I knew I wanted to breastfeed, but I was also open to formula feeding as well. The first week of baby K's life while my milk supply wasn't fully in yet I did both, formula and breast milk. Then the second week I started to exclusively breastfeed. I had ups and downs the first month, lots of unknowns but here we are now going on to 4 months and I am still breastfeeding and loving it! I use to have a timeline, like "I'll only breastfeed for 3 months" or "6 months" but now I have no dates. As long as my milk is there, I will breastfeed until baby and I are ready to stop, no dates! :) This makes me happy.
Babbling in the car.
 Before I had a baby I hated being late to places and usually was the first one to arrive. If I was late it would be because of traffic or something out of my hands. Now with my baby.... ha! it is tough getting somewhere right on time. We do pretty well most days... but today was different... today was salsa fitness class. Baby was sleeping as I got ready. I was dressed in my workout clothes, ready to go.  I woke up baby to feed and change him. We were running a little late, but not too late. Then I changed the baby, I turned around to get his diaper, turned back, heard the baby pass gas, looked down...... and omg! poo was everywhere! All over my clothes, the bed, the carpet, furniture... it squirted everywhere! How the... haha. I was in shock! I just stood still and didn't know what to do! It was soo much to clean up, we missed class. boo! I couldn't help but laugh, so did baby K. hahaha.

Silly baby. I love this cute adorable squishy little boy, even if he did poo all over me. haha!