Monday, June 18, 2012

Baby food. Pears, peaches and peas

Kristian was up early today so we had a early start to our day. We went grocery shopping and then spent the afternoon at home watching soccer and making baby food and pizza for dinner yum!

We were cheering for Spain and Italy and they both won. Yay!

I made peach purée with fresh organic peaches. I cut up the peach, removed the pit and blended. I added about 2oz of water. Add more or less depending on how thin or thick you want the purée.

I also made peas. I used frozen organic peas. I boiled them. I usually steam everything but with peas I like them boiled. Once boiled I blended them up into a purée, again adding about 2oz of water.

Pears are a favorite with baby boy. So I I make them weekly. I peel, cut and remove the seeds of the pear. Steam and purée.

We are stocked up! In the freezer we have pears, peas, peaches, squash, zucchini,apricots, carrots, chicken and squash. Yum!

Today I also bought baby pasta ha! How cute!

First fathers day

We had a fun BBQ weekend. Saturday night at my brothers house for his mother inlaws 65th birthday and Sunday Fathers day we spent it at my inlaws place for a delicious BBQ lunch and a afternoon of watching soccer. Perfect for my boys.

Kristian wore a cute outfit just for dad ;)

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A little this and that

Baby K was a little fussy this morning. I'm blaming teeth but also started to consider something else. A decrease in my breast milk supply. I'm not a 100% on that but have a feeling! So I decided to up his food intake. Our Pedetrician told us by 9 months more food less milk anyway so I'll see how it goes.

Yesterday I made apples and pears purée thicker and chunkier. Baby K loved that! Whoo!

He is learning and growing so much so fast! Giving high fives, clapping hands and opening and closing his hands to say hi or bye. He is always paying close attention to us when we speak to him and even responded in baby babble haha!

He is full of energy and loves attention. He knows all eyes are on him all the time. Haha!

A friend recommended Phil and Teds lobster high chair so I bought it and bring it around with us in the car. We used it at my moms house yesterday. It's perfect!

Today we went over to my aunts house and sat by the pool. Kristian loves the water. We will need to bring him for a swim soon!!

I really want to take him on a trip before I go back to work in the I'm hoping to get his passport soon!

This weekend is full of events. Birthday party and fathers day. We are excited for the weekend!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday Soccer pics

Yesterday was baby K's first sports event out! Watching Soccer at the BMO field in Toronto with our family. Canada vs Honduras! We were cheering for both! Haha!

He was soo good and was taking in all the new sights and sounds. He had so much fun.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fun weekend cute pics!

This weekend was full of fun. Saturday my sister and I shopped all day for baby K's upcoming baptism. I bought centerpieces for the restaurant. I love them! Only 4 weeks away!

Yesterday we had family and friends over to watch the Italy and Spain soccer game. Some of us going for Italy and some going for spain. Good thing they tied 1-1 haha!

It's Monday and baby boy woke up early, it's going to be a long day!

I'm thinking of my Monday goals and I want to continue the same as last week.

1.daily walks
2.limit drive thru (it's impossible to fully stop the drive thru)
3. Drink more water, less coffee. Drinking 2 coffee's a day has given me insomnia which is no fun.

It's a warm day and I can't wait to go for a walk this morn!

Happy Monday!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Weekly goals and 39 pounds down!

I weighed myself this morning and I was only down 1 pound. In total I'm down 39 pounds! I am breaking up my weightloss goals in 5-10 pound mini goals. So I'm focusing on the next 5-10 pounds to lose.

I wrote out 3 goals on Monday. 1. Daily walks 2. No drive thru and 3. More water.

I did pretty well. I did however go to the drive thru twice, the coffee drive thru's. It's really hard not to! but glad to say I had nooo fast food at all. It's sad that this is a goal to begin with blah!

Overall I made breakfast lunch and dinner at home all week! Yay!! Even made whole wheat banana loafs for desserts!

I also bought new really cute coffee mugs this week to go with my dessert ha! ;)

Baby boy had new meals this week too. He tried chicken and butternut squash mix... He wasn't a fan haha. I'll keep trying.

Monday I'll post my next weeks goals to focus on. :)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 07, 2012

My Baby boy or should I say big boy

Baby K hasn't reached the weight or length capacity yet for his infant carseat, but it has for me. Boy was it getting heavy!

We had got the evenflo symphony 65 3 in 1 carseat as a shower gift so decided to install it yesterday.

I find it so hard to use the straps, it took me 15 minutes to tighten the straps to have only 2 fingers space between baby and strap. I find it awkward and hard to put baby in and out of. But maybe any carseat would be hard placing a baby in and out of. One thing I hate is at the safest recline allowed baby still seems upright. Allowing his head to flop. Not cool.
Does this happen with all carseats?

This causes mommy stress haha.

On another note while out today I bought my big boy a little pool for the backyard. I'm sure he will just love it! Can't wait to try it out!

Soo glad the weekend is here!

Monday, June 04, 2012

Goals for the week

Before I got pregnant I would write out my weekly goals on my blog. I started doing fitness Friday a couple months ago with fellow bloggers too. So this weekend I decided to get back on track with my Monday weekly goal posts.

This week I want to focus on these 3 goals.

1. Daily walks, I want to head out everyday for a walk (we just came back from a 45min walk!)

2. No drive thru! Where I live I'm surrounded by drive thru's! I admit I go through them often now that I have a baby and sometimes it's easier to pick up dinner or coffee at a window haha!. So this week my goal is nooooo drive thru's! Let's see how I do eek!

3. More water intake. This is always an issue for me. I don't drink much water. So I want to make sure I have a glass of water with every meal and water in my tumbler thingy taking lots of water in!

I'm totally focused this week! I'll be tweeting my daily accomplishments too!

What are your diet goals this week?

Friday, June 01, 2012

Show us your living Room blog post

Today on it's show us your living room!

My living room and kitchen are open concept. Something we love about our home.

I'm usually sitting at our kitchen island watching tv, feeding the baby or on the laptop.

We only have a few of the baby's items out. His exersaucer, playpen and rocking chair, it's all that he uses these days. 

When the baby is playing and I'm watching tv sitting on the sofa so we can chat together ha!

I don't have much on the walls or counters. I never liked having too much in a room. I could use a little more tho now looking at the pics it looks a little empty ha!

We love our big windows looking out into the backyard.

We have so many windows and it's rare that we have the lights on at all during the day.

So this is my living room!I can't wait to check out others and get some decorative ideas too!