Friday, November 30, 2012

Overwhelmed working mom

My take on being a working mom....

It's HARD!!!!!!!!! HARD HARD HARD I actually feel like I'm being punished for all the bad things I ever done in my life right now haha I am not kidding.

I'm exhausted. How do you even get to enjoy life and your sweet growing baby when as soon as you walk in the door from being at work all day it's go go go!  cooking dinner, eating, bathing the baby, bathing yourself, cleaning up (which I hardly do! My house is a disaster) getting everything ready for the next day.... and trying to fit in life in between even relaxing time, tv time forget that! My little one doesn't have the best sleep patterns. Going into work sleep deprived makes a very grumpy me. Then I look at our own schedules, and it's never the same 2 days in a row, I don't blame him for the sleep patterns he has, I blame us for not having a consistent life or routine. 

I've been trying to let go... let go of having a messy house, who cares right. Let go of the laundry piled up, clean clothes in baskets for weeks... not a big deal. Another thing that is hard to get control of is eating healthy... I'm trying hard to keep it going for baby K, I don't want him eating junk food but life is busy and the Mcdonalds drive through for nuggets is convenient some nights :( And me, I won't even go there! I think I've been eating the worst I ever have! I don't have the time to even think about what I want for lunch the next day when I can barely see straight or have the time. And the stress of my job is on high the past couple weeks, going for interviews not knowing what the outcome will be. DH has a demanding job too so both our stress levels have been high. It's not fun.

I have a new respect for moms... we do it all... Men, haven't got a CLUE!

I wrote a post on the happiness project last week. But I can't even imagine how to change anything in my life right now when I'm struggling to get through my day and my main focus above all is to spend whatever time I have playing and teaching my son a few things, before I blink my eyes and he's 20! Sigh!

I don't usually use my blog to vent all my problems (only when I get totally overwhelmed which has been a lot this year) I try to keep it light and focused on the more positive aspects of our life... but right now... I'm not that positive. I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm feeling exhausted, guilty, frustrated, hopeless. If I could just cry all day I would! Trying to focus on the good things in my life like watching baby K play at daycare. He has so much fun. I know he is happy and healthy and that is the most important thing. It's been 3 weeks and I still do not have a grasp of being a working mom at all, and I miss my baby boy so much every day :(

Does your day to day get overwhelming some times?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Letter to Santa and Walking all over!

Little K is walking a lot! A couple weeks before his birthday he took 2 steps and and every week since it's been more and more. Now he is walking all over the house! Walking more than crawling. He is 13 months and growing and learning soo much!

Today at daycare he wrote a letter to Santa and added his little painting on the letter too. How cute!!!

This weekend will be December and Christmas is getting close!!! I have not started any gift shopping at all! And with all the up coming events, I'll have to find time! Chop chop!

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Santa Parade and Christmas Decor

This weekend was all about getting ready for Christmas!

We started the house decor but we are not finished just yet! We have to decorate the tree still! We bought a Fraser Fir Tree and it smells amazing!

I also ordered our Christmas cards and hopefully I can mail them out next week!

Yesterday night we stayed in decorating and playing Christmas music. We also baked apple pie. It was very festive here haha!
Today we went to the city's Santa Parade! It was sooo cold but we were all bundled up and had a great afternoon.

Now that baby K is a year older Christmas is even more fun. I'm excited to share my traditions with him every year

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Learning to walk! Big boy!

My little guy is learning to walk! Last month he started with only 2 steps and every week he adds a few more! Yesterday he took 8-10 steps before falling and crawling haha.

These days he is soo adorable copying everything we do. The cutest thing is when we tell him to close his eyes and he will squeeze them shut and laugh.

We were home the beginning of the week because he is sick with a ear infection. He is doing much better. Yesterday when I dropped him off he kissed me and said bye. The cutest is when I pick him up, right away he says bye to his friends haha it always cracks me up!

Today was bring your favorite toy to daycare so he brought his dancing Mickey! Haha! I was the only mom that remembered. Gold star for me! Ha!

He is getting to be such a big boy!!! Where is the time going!!! Where is my baby!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A year on hold... what goals?

I'm not sure if any other mom feels the same sometimes, but I feel like my life has been on hold since little one arrived. Of course now with my beautiful son in our lives things have changed, the first year especially takes your everything as you are taking care of this new little person, learning too and enjoying every moment. I always said that my little one comes first no matter what! But I do see that we need some balance. I read many blogs and I see the mom's that seem to have it all together and I think, how!!! Some days I feel stuck and there's so much to do that I do nothing at all ha!

Last night I was reading my blog profile and I didn't even recognize my own writing haha! I use to do that?... and that?.. oh ya! I totally forgot who I was before I became a mom! I want baby K to see that side of me too! Not just being his mommy part! :)

So here I am trying to find that balance! Getting back to my goals. Weight loss goals, travel goals, self improvement goals, family goals, dream goals! This is my blog... Growing towards a dream! And this year of learning to be a mom (which is life learning ha!) is all part of growing towards my dreams too!

My friend over at That Extra 20 Pounds blogged about the Happiness Project. So I decided to buy the book last night on my ipad :) and I can't wait to get started!

My goal this month is to start slowly with balancing all areas in my life.

How do you balance it all?

Monday, November 19, 2012

It's been kookoo for cocoa puffs around here

Haha I always say that! I Really do feel like I'm kookoo these days.

My sweet little guy is still sick ;( his ear infection isn't gone yet, and after the first round of antibiotics I thought he would be better, then a week went by and he seemed to be getting worse!

He had a fever all day yesterday and I decided to work from home today and bring him to the doctor. His ear infection is back or never left and he is now on his second round of antibiotics.

I'll work from home tomorrow too. I want him back to his fun little self again!!!

Trying to find work life balance is so hard with a little one. Especially these days when they are sick and need you.
It's sooo hard! I can't send him to daycare like this. He needs all day cuddles!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Not even a week and exhausted

I heard other mothers tell me that the first week back to work is the hardest, and oh they are sooo right.

We have been doing well with timing after work and before. Getting out the door is fine! Coming home making dinner is ok too, although with a hungry baby I need more ready made things to feed him quick!

There are a couple things happening the past couple nights.

Mr cranky teething baby with his new Whiney cry ;( it's hard seeing my sweet baby so cranky.

He has been falling asleep at 8pm sharp with no hassle. But has been waking up many times at night and last night was the worst!! He was up every 1-2 hour screaming!!! And nothing helped, Tylenol, nursing, nothing!

I'm not sure how I even made it out the door.

Being a SAHM is tough too, no breaks it's a 24 hour job I know this! Now Being a working mom is just as hard. It comes with some other things. The guilt of spending less time with your little one, and when they are cranky makes it worse!! Having to go into work on 2 hours sleep is crazy too!

I see other families doing fine with their routines... Are they? Or they don't talk about it or complain like I do haha. I know with time we will get it too... Right... Right!?

It hasn't even been a week and it's getting hard to see how we will make this all work out.

This mama is tired!!!!

Love my baby boy and he just melts my heart with his smile. I want to see more smiles! Less cries! haha he only has 6 teeth so we have a long way to go.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First day back after maternity leave!

Today was my first day back at work. Maternity leave is officially over ;(

To make our mornings run smooth I made sure to prepare everything the night before. It all worked out. I got ready in the morning while baby played in his crib (crying on and off to get out) luckily I was ready fast! We had breakfast together then I dropped him off at daycare and headed to work.

I logged on many times throughout the day to watch Kristian play. Even had to hold back tears all day ;( he was at daycare 9.5 hours today. I missed him!!

When I picked him up he was sooo happy to see me he gave me lots of kisses! Love my little boy!

Little Kristian is getting a new little cousin! My sister is having a baby and just found out she's having a girl!!! So I'll have 3 nieces!!! We are soo happy

Monday, November 12, 2012

Long weekend cuteness

Tomorrow is my first day back to work! Wish me luck!! I'm feeling a little nervous eek!

We have the day off today so we are enjoying our long weekend. Baby K was up so often last night ;( I am exhausted and moving in slow motion ha! He too is exhausted because he has now been napping for over 2 1/2 hours!

DH and I have been doing some fall cleaning while baby sleeps. Hopefully he wakes up soon so we can head out this afternoon!

We had a fun weekend, did a little shopping and even renewed our car lease! We also spent some time with family, baby K loves his cousins.

My little niece and him play so well together it's just too cute!!! How cute are they!!

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Colds, Ear infection, hospital. My busy week!

This is my last week, well down to last Friday tomorrow of my maternity leave. It's back to work Monday! :(

This week has been soo busy!

My mom had day surgery yesterday and stayed over night. I brought her in and stayed with her for a bit yesterday then stayed with her all day today too. I have a cough that is driving me crazy! The hospital has big signs saying to not even enter if you are sick... hmm but it's a hospital weird ha! But I followed their rules and wore a mask... ummm I was the only one! And everyone looked at me funny. But the air in the hospital was sooo dry that it had me coughing soo much! Ugh!


I brought my mom some magazines and a warm scarf which she loved. Everything went well with her surgery and she is back home today.

I dropped her off about 4pm today then headed to get baby K at daycare.

We have all been fighting a cold here and this morning I thought that I better bring Kris to the doctor before I go back to work! So after I picked him up from daycare we went to the doctor. Kris was cranky and in no mood to be there. Neither was I! I was soo tired and hungry from running around all day! I told the doctor that he had been stuffy for about 9 days! He took a look and said that he has a ear infection. Because he was stuffy for so long and hasn't been able to blow it out, it infected his ear. He faxed the pharmacy the prescription and I went down to pick it up. It took about 10 minutes thank goodness no longer, carrying the baby, his jacket my purse and diaper bag I was completly exhausted. Then we rushed home for dinner, both of us were starving!

So glad I am home now in my pj's relaxing. What a day!

Daycare update: Kris did really well today, they even got him to drink 4oz of milk and 1 whole yogurt! He ate all his lunch and all his snacks as usual haha. His teachers always mention how he loves to eat haha. When I walked in today he was crawling around, I watched for a bit until he noticed me and he got so excited and cried until I picked him up.

Yesterday he got back his proofs from picture day. Look how cute!!!! He looks like such a big boy! How did they get him to pose so well hahaha :)