Tuesday, January 29, 2013

15 months old

My little boy! You are 15 months old today!

You have the cutest personality! Gentle and sweet making the cutest faces, then a little mean at times when you don't get your way, stomping your feet and crying! You are growing, learning and exploring and it is amazing to watch you change before our eyes!

You are in everything these days! You leave a mess behind you ha! You put toys and toilet paper in the hamper when I'm not looking. You empty out cupboards and laundry baskets... working away like a busy little bee.

Your favorite toy is still the break-dancing Mickey. You are always dancing and singing.

Your vocabulary is expanding and you are understanding so much! There is too much to write it out!

You are still a great eater and love to sit and enjoy your food. Your favorite fruit is blueberries. You can eat soooo many in one sitting!

You weighed 19lb last we checked (We are going for your 15 month check up tomorrow so we will see)

You are in size 4-5 diapers, 4 still fits, but I also have been using 5 too.

You are in sizes 12-18

On good days you sleep from 730-8 waking 1-3 times for a sip of water or to nurse, usually less than 5 mins and you are back out. I keep a sippy cup in your bedroom so you can take a sip then go back to sleep! But teething or sick nights it's out the window and you will be up about 5x for comfort.

We are almost fully weaned. Some nights you don't nurse at all and some nights you ask for it. But we are down to 1 and none!

You love Zoe and laugh and babble with her all the time.

You also love to pretend you are on the phone and walk around babbling, laughing and making hand gestures like you are talking to someone haha.

You are always paying attention to what is going around you and COPY everything we do in a second!

We love you sooo much!!! Happy 15 months!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Just a little food and juice over here

I've been working on new toddler recipes for my little guy and new juice recipes for our family. Here are some new things!

Juice 1- 4oz Kale, 1 apple, 2 small carrots juice. Tastes pretty good!

Juice 2- Straight up orange juice too with breakfast. (3 oranges)

Today for lunch I made chicken and veggie quesadillas.

Baby K loved them and made a huge mess with them too ha!

Tonight I made chicken and veggie meatballs with spaghetti squash! I'm in love with this new recipe!

RECIPE! Check out the recipes here

Tomorrow my little guy will be 15 months!!!!! He is growing and learning every second! I better get working on tomorrow's post!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Nutrient packed toddler meals

Making meals for a growing toddler gets tough some days. Baby K is good and eats most foods. He usually eats what I make for the family which makes life easy.

Since he has been sick with the flu the past couple months on and off I want to make sure he getting a lot of needed nutrients to help boost immunity!

He loves his fruits and veggies so I'm adding a lot more berries and green veggies like kale and broccoli. He is crazy for blueberries and if he sees them before his meal it's over and he will only want the blueberries ha!

We made kale chips the other night and baby k loved them! So that's a new item we added to our menu.

Now that we have the juicer I will make him fresh juice to sip too (kids should not drink more than 5oz of juice a day, I diluted the juice with water as well)

Fats are very important for a growing baby. Healthy fats like avocado. Baby K loves avocado and sometimes I spread it on his toast too.

Every week I'm looking for new healthy recipes and menu plans for baby K. If you have any meal ideas send them over my way!

A new recipe I found was chicken/veggie meatballs. I will try them this weekend and let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2013 goals vision board!

2013 goals... I still haven't fully written them out. I usually do every first week of January, I've been doing that for years! But this year all 22 days of it has been so hectic.

I looked over my last years goals and I have achieved 5 of goals I wrote down. Which made me feel great. Yay!

Instead of writing my goals this year I decided that I will put my goals with pictures on my vision board. That way I can take a look at them everyday! I'm getting to work on that today!

One goal that I will discuss weekly on my blog is weight loss goals. Daily lifestyle changes/goals.

Life is different with a little one, more busy, less sleep, less time for things like working out. Balancing it all can get a little crazy and you always need room to tweak and adjust the routine because let's face it the baby makes the rules here ha!

Here are my simply put daily goals:

Eating healthy- home cooking
Adding things like daily probiotics, chia seeds, and cooking with coconut oil and olive oil.

Juicing weekly for added nutrients
Exercise 2-3x a week
Increase daily water intake.

Mini goal- to drop 10lbs by spring.

Seems easy enough right ;)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Adorable Baby Art

Wednesday was baby K's last week at daycare (more on this another day) they gave me all the art he has been doing since he started there. Can you say ADORABLE!!

I can't wait to try out his art skills here at home haha. I bought some crayons and paint to try out. Little man will most likely want to eat the paint so I'm thinking of using ketchup and mustard to finger paint with first! Saw this on the baby first channel.

If you have any baby art ideas please send them over my way!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

First time using the juicer

I used my juicer for the first time today with what I had around. I'm a newbie so I had a little trouble ha! The apple got stuck in the shoot and I had to unplug and struggle to get it out haha. Baby K thought it was hilarious. Seeing that had some trouble I think I should fully read the instructions and try again tomorrow ha!

A recipe I want to try tomorrow is a vitamin C boost.


I got a few recipes from friends too so if you have any juicing recipes to share, let me know!

Baby K is feeling a little better today but not fully himself yet. Lots of cuddles will definitely help ;)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ear infection superbug! Huh?

Little K had been trying to fight this ear infection that keeps hanging around! He has had 4 rounds of antibiotics. This weekend his fever spiked to 104 and was staying between 100-102 with tylenol.

I emailed his doctor and spoke to telehealth. Both suggested I see the doc Monday. Yesterday we saw our doc. He said we would need to do 3 days of 2 antibiotic injections to zap this bacteria. We are praying this works!!!

I am so worried and have been a mess the last couple days.

We are going this afternoon for the second round of shots. Then tomorrow another 2. And hopefully the infection will be gone.

I've also been reading up a lot about natural remedies. We will make sure we are adding probiotics to our diets to get the good bacteria back in his system and mine too! Adding lots of foods with vitamin C, lots of garlic and lots of other healthy foods in our diets to boost immunity.

The past 2 months have been crazy here with the flus.

How are you getting through this flu season??

Friday, January 11, 2013

Burnt out and time to boost energy!

I'm feeling burnt out! The past 2 months of juggling family and work and being sick every other week has me totally burnt out! I can hardly think straight!

This weekend I plan to re-evaluate my goals... I've been saying that for the last month, but I've been so tired I keep forgetting ha!

What do I want for 2013? I'm not exactly sure yet! I'm hoping to make this all clear this weekend!

When I bought the book The Happiness project, I started it, then decided to leave it till January... Well it's January now.

The first chapter "boost energy"

Very fitting for my mood these days.

I'm on it! Happy weekend!

Monday, January 07, 2013

A weekend of sick and play

Our weekend started off slow and sick! Kristian was still feeling sick in his stomach (he was sick during the week week with a stomach bug or something bad he ate that upset his tummy) I had stomach pain too on the weekend. So we stayed in our pj's all day Saturday the whole family watching movies and cuddling under blankies haha

Sunday we started feeling a little better and had a birthday party to go to. Kristian's friend turned 1! Ha!

He was having a blast at the playland! And ate so much cake too! My sweet little boy.