Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fun weekend cute pics!

This weekend was full of fun. Saturday my sister and I shopped all day for baby K's upcoming baptism. I bought centerpieces for the restaurant. I love them! Only 4 weeks away!

Yesterday we had family and friends over to watch the Italy and Spain soccer game. Some of us going for Italy and some going for spain. Good thing they tied 1-1 haha!

It's Monday and baby boy woke up early, it's going to be a long day!

I'm thinking of my Monday goals and I want to continue the same as last week.

1.daily walks
2.limit drive thru (it's impossible to fully stop the drive thru)
3. Drink more water, less coffee. Drinking 2 coffee's a day has given me insomnia which is no fun.

It's a warm day and I can't wait to go for a walk this morn!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Sushi and Salsa!

This week was busy!

I went out for sushi lunch with friends twice this week. Yum! A new place opened up just down the street from my house so we had to try it out. It's a cute small place and sushi was delicious ;)

Today I had my first class of salsa babies fitness! The class was full! There were about 20 mamas. The class was so fun and everyone was friendly and the instructor was really nice. What's salsa babies? It's learning how to dance salsa while holding your baby in a wrap or carrier. I used the baby bjorn carrier for this class. Kristian loved bouncing around and listening to the music and I had a great workout.

Followed by a sushi buffet lunch with a friend haha.

Tomorrow is fitness Friday! I forgot to post last week so I need to catch up!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yummy seafood pasta!

This afternoon a friend and I with our little boys went out to lunch. We went to one of our favorite Italian restaurants.
We had delicious fried calamari and seafood pasta. Soo good! Not exactly sure how to log these calories in my fitnesspal, hmm! Let's make today a bonus day.

After lunch we went to the mall to shop a bit. A walk after our meal was definitely needed. I was soo surprised how long baby K slept for. I was worried he was going to wake up and cry during lunch hahaa!

He is changing sooo much! I love it! It was a perfect Wednesday. Now we have ribs in the slowcooker for dinner!

Hope you had a great Wednesday!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My new normal

This afternoon I met up with my good friend over at

We went for Sushi! Our babies wanted to be held so we ate and held them haha! Sorry i forgot to take pics of the sushi, the rolls were huge and I was making a mess! But they were delicious!

By the time I fed and got kris ready and made it the restaurant and ordered food, time was ticking... It was feeding time again. As soon as we left I fed Kris in the car. Breastfeeding in the car is totally my new normal ha!

He fell asleep on the way home so i took advantage and stopped at some stores before heading home ;)

My days revolve around the baby's schedule, but I think I've been doing pretty good at organizing our days out.

Here are some pics of us mamas

Friday, December 16, 2011

Busy week! The good and the bad

This week I was fully booked! Ha! I'm almost finished my Christmas shopping so im happy about that! Are you!?

Yesterday I had a rough day! I didn't get much sleep due to a blocked milk duct. Omg painful!!!! I didn't even know what it was! I applied heat and massaged and made baby nurse a lot from that breast. It went away. Thank goodness!

Today a good friend and I with our baby boys went out for lunch! I was worried about where I would breastfeed if I needed to. Baby K was good and slept most the time, the cries started when we were leaving haha! I breastfed him in the car before heading home.

Here are some pics! And cute gifts Isaac got for Kristian ;)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Afternoon play date

This afternoon some friends came over for a playdate... Ha! More like a chatting date. One friend has a sweet little boy, soon our two boys will be able to play together.

We enjoyed some finger foods and desserts.

While they were here a lady came to take the life cast of Baby K's hands and feet! I can't wait for the finished product! Poor baby cried so much getting it done ;(

Baby K was awake all day today and finally went down for a nap at 245

Here are some pics of today

Thursday, September 01, 2011

The best part of being pregnant is

 The best part of my days are Breakfast, Lunch, dinner and Snacks ahahahh! My food aversions have been off and on throughout my whole pregnancy, but this week I've had nooo problem!

This weeks obsession. Dad's chewy cookies. These are delicious! I love milk, but I can only drink milk combined with a sweet snack. It's been that way for me since I was a kid. Do you do the same thing?

The other night I made sure to fill up on lots of greens too.  I made my favorite dish, Thai Coconut Red Curry Shrimp, I added lots of fresh broccoli and Kale! With a side of rice and Avocado. Yum!

Yesterday I went to visit my friend and her little man. He is growing so fast!!! Soo adorable! We walked over to a nearby Wing place.
 We ordered wings and fries! I was in heaven! MMM MMM

I think it will be tough getting back on track after baby is born... it's been nice not counting calories while preggo.

Tomorrow I will blog about my 31 week update!

Happy September!

Don't forget to enter in my giveaway!!!!

Thursday, July 07, 2011

23 weeks pregnant update!

How Far Along: 23 Weeks!
Size of baby: Large Mango (weighing just over a pound!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 21 lbs Gain.
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing maternity tights in the picture and decided to wear this regular small shirt, by the end of the day today the button on the chest busted off and the shirt felt wayyy too tight I was suffocating haha!
Cravings: Pretty much everything! But since I got pregnant one of the food aversions I had was towards Peanut butter and Jam... However, today that changed...

Some new items:
My Friend gave me her son's snow suit since baby K will be born in November he will definitely be needing one of these!

 She also gave me this baby scrapbook!


This afternoon we went out for lunch with her little man. 
We had lots of wings and fries! Yum!

Then went for a little walk.... Look at baby A with his shades ha! Cutest thing!

 I am exhausted today! and a busy weekend is ahead! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Busy weekend! Lots of pics!

I had a veryyyyy busy weekend! Let me start with a big FAIL in my calories this weekend. I didn't count calories at all and didn't make the best choices. I didn't even get to grocery shop. So I'll do that tomorrow!

We started some reno's in the house... I was expecting a mess....but not the HUGE mess that I got! The husband scraped off the stucco ceilings on our first floor and sanded it down too! It created sooo much dust! The whole house was covered in white dust! I mean the whole house! Inside cupboards and closets and bedrooms EVERYWHERE!

Reno's are still not done so I have all these holes in my ceilings waiting for the pot-lights to be installed next weekend. So we'll be living in chaos for a week.

Even though all this mess was going on I managed to still have fun :)
Some of us girls got together Saturday night for dinner. We went down to a Lakeshore restaurant. We chatted and ate delicious food! I had a huge plate of pasta and parmigiana chicken! It's always so nice to catch up with the girls.... over food ahahh!
I also fit in some time to see my sweet nieces Saturday afternoon.
Baby M is sooo strong! She's 5 months today and she rolls over and over it's so cute!
And today was my bff's baby shower!!! She is due in a month!
Look how cute she looks!!
It was so fun, the shower was beautiful and I even won a gift! How cool is this tea mug!!! I love mugs!!!

I'm exhausted! We tried cleaning as much as we could but everything is still dusty :(

I think I may push the other reno's out. I'm a little traumatized by the mess Ha!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Oh!! and I almost forgot some awesome news! I was chosen for the #3 spot on Simply Stacie's Follow Friday! Check it out! This totally made my weekend! Thank you all so much for following my blog!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So glad to be off this week!

I'm off this week! And I love it! I love not working (minus the whole not getting paid thing haha!) But If I could work from home I totally would! So I have some BIG side biz goals for the new year!

I just love the holidays, we've been visiting family and friends and having a great time catching up with every one.

The last 10 years I've had a lot of different jobs and from every single job I have friends I still keep in contact with, even if it's only a couple times a year we see each other we have blogs and facebook and email these days so we are always in contact with each other. :) Tonight I met with one of those friends for a coffee, it was so nice to catch up.

Zoe loves when we are home. I love how this little fur ball loves our attention and always wants to be around us. When husband and I are sitting on the couch she's always between us. And she follows me everywhere! The minute I get up she following me. Wherever I go sit, she's beside me.
(I was yelling at her to get off the table, so she went on the chair)
Hope you all are enjoying your holidays!!! Hoping to do a VLOG (video giveaway) soon! I'm a little nervous about it though! :)