Friday, July 23, 2010

Busy Busy

So I've been sooo busy this week yikes! And on top of that I haven't been feeling myself lately. One friend of mine thinks it's my hormones adjusting back to normal. Could be, or the fact that I'm sleep deprived too!

I have been doing my daily smoothies and I was able to get in 2 work outs so far this week. Plus I'm running around a lot so that is some good exercise. I have 17lbs to go!!!

Today I made a smoothie with, skim milk, frozen banana, 1 tablespoon of 100% cocoa and a dash of Cinnamon. I like it a lot.

The day before I made a fruit smoothie and added kale... YUK I used frozen kale, I eyeballed it but it wasn't that much that I put in but eww the greens where sticking to my teeth, the texture was gross bleh it was not good. So I'll be scratching the kale addition.

I really want to try a smoothies made with coffee, I'll work up this creation soon ahah!

I'm soooo glad tomorrow is Friday! Happy Friday!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Smoothies and weekend

I bought some more ingredients for my daily breakfast smoothies!

Today I had a raspberry banana smoothie. It was yummy!

Tomorrow I'm going to try a Berry Kale smoothie.
-1 banana
-kale (frozen)
-strawberries (frozen)
-blueberries (frozen)

I didn't put in the measurements because I will just eye it, I like more strawberries than blueberries so I'll work that out haha!

On the weekend we had my sister inlaws baby shower on her parents side. My mom is throwing her a shower as well next week which my sister and I are helping out with, so my week will be busy!

My brother, his wife and me :)
My mom, niece and mee.
And look who guessed the right number of jelly beans! whoop! But I gave them away. No way I'm going to eat all of those (cause I would, and that's shameful!) HA!

Italian classes are over for now so I have my Monday nights back! Although my schedule this week is jammed with after work duties!

I need to find time for my workouts! I've been slacking in this department :(

Hoping to fit in a workout tonight!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Working Weekend

This weekend I am one busy gal! I have many emails to catch up with and lots of errands to run.
Yesterday evening was so nice and warm. I love working outdoors whenever I get a chance!

When I went to the pet store the other day I bought Zoe a cute little pink mat to sleep on. She doesn't use it! Instead she keeps trying to go under it. She stayed like this for hours!

Weekend diet so far... This morning I had an omelette with coffee. I'll be heading out later today to buy a new blender since mine isn't working that well. I am loving making smoothies!

When I go grocery shopping I will buy plenty of fruits and veggies for my weekly smoothies, YUM!.

Hope you all are having a good weekend so far!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Starbucks Smoothie Cup

Finally bought a Starbucks smoothie reusable cup! Now drinking my smoothies on the way to work will be much more convenient!

Months ago I was making smoothies, and not sure why I stopped, but I'm excited that I'm back on it! I usually make my smoothies like this (click here) But I also saw this one on a bloggy friends Facebook, and I cant wait to try it!

PB and BB smoothie recipe, yum! milk, 1 scoop of oatmeal, 1 tsp peanut butter, handful fresh blueberries, 1/2 frozen banana, ice.

(Sunny hope it's ok I copied and pasted to my blog)

I'm also trying to keep healthy snacks at hand. Like these almonds and pumpkin seeds.

Tomorrow is Friday and I have a very busy weekend ahead!

Hope you are all having a great week!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Diet Plans

Tonight I went rollerblading and boy was it hot! It was humid and sticky but I had an amazing workout!

My scale is out of commission right now. I guess it's a good thing since I have been obsessed with that increased number I saw last week! It needs new batteries so I'll need to get them soon, I neeeed to see if it has budged at all! I'm 17 lbs away from my goal...

Over at Sunny is doing a 7 day smoothie and salad detox. So I decided to jump on this too!.

Everyday for breakfast I will switch my toast and coffee in for a smoothie! And Every lunch will be salad loaded with veggies. (I'll head to starbucks tomorrow to get me one of those reusable plastic cups with a straw for my smoothies!)

I want to keep my food intake well balanced and with no extreme dieting here. Smoothies are loaded with vitamins and I've already been doing my salads for lunch so I will continue with this. I know my body and I'm one of those that needs 6 small meals a day. So 3 meals and 3 snacks throughout my day keeps this gal happy! haha!

Goals I follow:
*1500 Calories/day
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app"
*Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* Tuesday RollerBlading
* Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday basement work out: Ab Lounge, Gazelle and workout DVD's
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!)
*More fruits and Veggies as daily snacks.
* 100 calorie granola bars and yogurts.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Jewerly and Sports weekend

Hope you all had a fun weekend. Mine was busy but soo much fun!

Saturday I went to my Aunts Jewelry show.
(Her site She has amazing pieces. She hosts these shows once and a while so we can shop and get the best of her stuff first hand. She is also starting to allow others to host her shows and with 30% commission. So I think I will be doing a Jewelery show at my house very soon! I think my friends would love it too.

It was so much fun being with the girls.

Some pieces I bought....

After that some friends decided to head Downtown Toronto for dinner. It was a beautiful night and beautiful weather in the city! We went to Dundas Square where there is always entertainment, people everywhere just having a good time.

AND You know what Sunday was!
The final game!!!!

Downtown Toronto they hosted a CBC Soccer Nation Festival. It was sooo much fun! Lots of fans came out and packed the streets to watch the game.
They had HUGE Tv's on the streets and everyone was all around watching the serious match!
And as you can see... Spain won! Paul the octopus was right! ahhaah!

Happy Monday!

Friday, July 09, 2010

Something new!

Ok, maybe I'm just luggn behind but I just read something soo amazing on a blogger friends blog! posted a couple days ago about how to blog by email! So I'm trying that now! Hope it works! Now I can post from anywhere without my computer! I feel like I just learned Internet exists haha! Thanks for posting the steps NYC girl!!

Happy blogging!!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

RollerBlading workout!

This week I've been doing pretty good so far.
My lunches are mostly salads and I'm bringing plenty of fruit and veggies as snacks. Dinner is hard tho! With being so busy during the week and with the weather being soo nice (well ok it's been killer hot) But it's so hard to stay in and cook! Husband and I love being out in the summer. We want to always be out there trying new restaurants/patio's and cafe's. Summer is just so much fun!

BUT my scale is not looking good! I gained some weight over the last couple months and now this has me even farther away from my original weight loss goal.

I do however want to keep it a healthy and steady weight loss so I will break down my goals by 3 month increments. Goal #1- 10lbs in 3 months.

Yesterday was day 1 of my new activity to help with my weight loss. Rollerblading!

My Sister is really good on these things!
She was guiding me and giving me tips. I did really well for my first time in like 10 years! I didn't fall at all either!

Tonight I have a lot of emails and office stuff to catch up on but I'll try and squeeze in a workout tonight too!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Time to get back on track!

This weekend I was feeling a little under the weather, just down and not like myself. We went out for my brothers birthday last night... I had originally said no to the event, but I knew I needed to get myself out and glad I did, we had a great time :)

We went to Copacabana Brazilian Steak House. I ate enough meat to last me a month! Hah!

The last couple of weeks have really been up and down. Last week we ended up eating out a lot! I think I tried every culture of food possible in a week. Chinese/Japanese/Italian/Brazilian/Middle eastern/Korean/Thai Yikes!
And my scale shows it!
My BMI is currently at OVERWEIGHT! At 27.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
My new goal is to get at least at the higher bmi of the Normal weight 24.9 which means I need to drop 15lbs!

So this week I'm getting back on track!
Back to working out and eating healthy!

New Goals:
*1500 Calories/day
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app"
*Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* Tuesday RollerBlading
* Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday basement work out: Ab Lounge, Gazelle and workout DVD's
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!)
*More fruits and Veggies as daily snacks.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Happy July 4 to my American friends! :)

On a side note, We have been letting Zoe out on a leash in the backyard...
And I think she got stung by a bee! Look at her swollen paw! :(

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Happy Canada Day!

Today was Canada Day! So we went out and enjoyed it!
Just 15 minutes from our house in the township of King we found a nature trail! It was a beautiful sunny day and we spent about 2 hours here this morning :)

At one point we got lost and used our google maps haha! We were ok and found our way.
The trail is really meant for Bikes I think... There were many cyclist on the trails, we had to jump out of the way a couple times.

Just down the street from the trail is Pine Orchard apple farm. After our long and tiring hike we went there to grab a bite. It is soo nice here. I absolutely love the peace and tranquility of being North of the city.

And I couldn't be at a apple farm without eating a apple something, so I had a apple turnover :)... I really need to get back on track soon!
Apples are growing! It's soo pretty here. If you live in Toronto, you definitely need to check out Pine orchard farms. It's about 40 mins from Toronto. They have apple picking too beginning the end of August. You'll see meee there for sure!

Tonight we planned to go for a walk to get a closer view of the fireworks, but after a long day we both were pretty much pooped! So we brought out some chairs, drinks and popcorn and watched the fireworks from our porch :)

Hope all my fellow Canadians had a great day off!

Back to work for me tomorrow :(