Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Peg Perego Skate 2011 arrived!

Here it is!

We put it together last night and strolled around the house with it ha! We love it!

It also came with a rain cover, shopping bag and cup holder!

We also took measurements for the nursery.  I'm still torn between the 2 rooms I have that can be for the nursery. One is a perfect square room, 1 window more wall space, but a little bit smaller than the other room. Second room has 3 windows, so less wall space. I think decorating of the room will need to be after we get the furniture, that way we decorate the right room!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Post and boy is it a HOT summer!

It is HOT here in Toronto! The humidity is crazy too! This preggo can hardly breathe out there.

Saturday night husband and I went for a long walk on lakeshore. It was a beautiful night but by the the end of our walk my hands and feet were swollen! Not cool!

Yesterday was even hotter!

My bff had her son's baptism yesterday, I don't have pics with his cute outfit, it was just too hot for him, so they changed him right after the ceremony so he could stay fresh!

But still cute as a button! Congrats Baby A!

Little A is patiently awaiting for his bff baby K to arrive. Look at this belly! haha! My husband was shocked yesterday saying it looked like it grew so much over night! I get sorta freaked out thinking how much bigger it needs to get haha! yikes! 109 more days to go! :)

Zoe also turned 4 this month so we bought her a new scratch post.  Since the one we had in our master bathroom for her broke and she started using our bed as a scratch post, bad kitty. Good thing she loves her posts much better!

Look how little she was! <3

Friday, July 15, 2011

24 weeks pregnant today!

This week!
How Far Along: 24 weeks!
Size of baby: Size of a eggplant! 1.5lbs!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: don't feel like weighing myself anymore
I know I'm gaining, no surprise haha!
Movement: Much more these days! Love it!
Cravings: Chocolate! It was my obsession this week! Not a good thing for my bum!

I've also been reading my baby books a lot. I probably will forget everything I read once Baby K arrives huh haha! So I decided that next week I will read some books for me to give me a break. There are some new releases coming out next week that I'm interested in, so can't wait to hit the book store!

Yesterday I went to mom's house and my nieces were over. I can't get enough of this squishy gal! She has the cutest personality, and her voice is so sweet. Other than when she's screaming loudly for attention when your eyes are not on her. ha! She also understand what the word NO, she use to just cry when she heard it but now she really understands it. My BIL was saying NO to her when she was touching a plastic wrap and she would look at him serious while attempting to touch it, then slowly moving her hand away, all while starring hard to see if she will hear NO. Tooooo Cute!

This is a cute bum!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Being Pregnant and Very Aware!

Ok Moms or Pregnant moms... When you were pregnant were you on high alert!?

I remember reading this in the book "Origins" a while ago so when it happens I know it's totally normal.

Some examples... Strangers coughing, sneezing, grosses me out! Ok grosses me out on a regular basis but now it's a different feeling... A feeling like OMG I need out NOW and holding my breath hoping I don't breath any of the air around me haha!

Today I went for blood work and it was really crowded, one guy was standing a little to close to me...my thoughts were on fire! (Do I just leave, why is he so close I will punch him soon, omg I'm breathing way too many peoples air in here. yikes!)

One incident that almost has me running out of there was when I was called to the room to take my blood another lady that was before me walked in and told the lab tech to change her bloody bandaid right in front of me... OMGGGGGG I almost freaked out! Trying to remain calm I gave them the deadliest looks observed the techs hands, she sanitized then put gloves on before touching me...Whew!

It's like I'm a guard dog on the watch ha!
Little Niece playing with Zoe :)

I'm also very aware of my hands and everyone elses haha! What we are touching and if you touch my food even a little I may leave that piece aside, please don't be offended. :)

Meat... If it's not WELL done, I will not eat you, I can't, my mouth will not allow it. However I do have medium to well steak, I'm ok with that :)

Another thing I noticed is my awareness of danger. I'm extra careful! And pause before I do something to make sure I'm being as careful as can be. I make sure to hold the railing when walking down the stairs, and walk slow, not just because I'm carrying this extra weight ha!   My husband is great with this :) bringing the laundry up and down, vacuuming (ok, I could vacuum but we'll keep that in the list of husband to do's).

Even at events where some people are dancing with a little too much excitement or if it's too crowded, i'll stay away, I do not want to be pushed or shoved and risk falling.

Ok it may sound worse than it actually is, but i'm on high alert, more than ever. 

I have a protective zone around me, and it also brings out another side of me which is funny too.

So if you know what I'm talking about, leave me a comment of your experience with this, so we can laugh about it together :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

12-23 Weeks Baby Bump Photos!

12 Weeks

13 weeks

14 weeks

15 weeks

16 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

19 weeks


21 weeks

22 weeks

23 weeks
155 More days to go!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Baby K, Bridal Shower and a huge cupcake!?

 On Friday my order from http://www.etsy.com/people/cottoncupcakeshoppe came in! Look how cute the little hat is! I'm soo excited for baby K! This weekend I felt him moving around much more and I can't wait to meet him!

As you can tell from reading my blog I pretty much have events EVERY WEEKEND! haha! I don't mind at all, they are all fun and it's nice to see family and friends and getting all dressed up! :)

Yesterday was a cousins Bridal Shower. Here's me and my sister getting ready to go! I have lots more events coming up and I need lots more dresses!

And you would never guess what this preggo won as the centrepiece haha! A huge CUPCAKE!!!!!
They had such yummy desserts there, and a chocolate cake that was sooo delicious yum!

Being with family and friends always makes me smile :)

 Hope you all had a good weekend!

Thursday, July 07, 2011

23 weeks pregnant update!

How Far Along: 23 Weeks!
Size of baby: Large Mango (weighing just over a pound!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 21 lbs Gain.
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing maternity tights in the picture and decided to wear this regular small shirt, by the end of the day today the button on the chest busted off and the shirt felt wayyy too tight I was suffocating haha!
Cravings: Pretty much everything! But since I got pregnant one of the food aversions I had was towards Peanut butter and Jam... However, today that changed...

Some new items:
My Friend gave me her son's snow suit since baby K will be born in November he will definitely be needing one of these!

 She also gave me this baby scrapbook!


This afternoon we went out for lunch with her little man. 
We had lots of wings and fries! Yum!

Then went for a little walk.... Look at baby A with his shades ha! Cutest thing!

 I am exhausted today! and a busy weekend is ahead! Hope you all have a great weekend!

My Peg Perego Skate 2011 is on order!

My amazing Sister and Sister in law are getting me this stroller and car seat as a gift for the baby! How Amazing is that!

I'm soo excited! I went to see it again on Tuesday and really love it. It's easy to handle and love that it comes with extra accessories like the bassinet and shopping bag.

And I will get the stand separately to place the bassinet on. (I love multi purpose items :)

 Everything is coming together and even tho I was feeling a little overwhelmed this week about baby products, I resolved that and so far happy with everything..... Now just need to get to that nursery!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

22 week doctors appointment was great!

Today I had an appointment with the OB. She told me my results were perfect! She also measured my belly and said it's the perfect size! I'm a happy momma! I left there feeling great!

She also told me I could sleep anyway I want, and if I'm most comfortable on my back then so be it! The back it will be! :)

My weigh in today brings me to a 21 lbs gain.  It's funny because I can actually say this is the first time in my life that I actually LOVE my body. I joke about the weight gain and the stretch marks ain't pretty... But I honestly don't care at all! As long as doctor says I'm healthy I'm totally embracing this pregnancy and it's such a gift! I'm soo happy to be experiencing all of it!  (haha i know most mamas are saying "oh wait till the 9th month haha, and I'm sure I'll be laughing trying to lose all the weight later ;) ) But you know what I mean! For once I'm wearing tight tops showing off a growing belly and I love it!

At the OB office there were soo many preggos dressed soo cute for the summer, Big, small all sizes of bellies with the cutest outfits.

While I was out today I went to see some swings at Toys R us. I've been going crazy deciding on one. All moms have different opinions on them.

So I finally decided on this one! It's a 2 in 1. Swing and bouncer! It has good reviews and has a bunch of features I was looking for :)

I also am trying to add more fruit and veggies to my diet. The last couple weeks I've been eating everything but those!

So yesterday I went to a local farmers market and bought cherries, peaches and cucumbers. They are yummy!

Monday, July 04, 2011

Canada Day Long Weekend!

 Friday was Canada Day! The weekend was beautiful here! Friday night we enjoyed watching the fireworks from our front porch it's perfect! We get such a good view from the Amusement park (Canada's Wonderland)

Saturday we had a friends wedding. We went to high school with these friends and they are one of the few couples we know (along with my husband and I) that have been together since high school! July 2nd was their 13 year anniversary! And their wedding day!

I bought this Mat dress at Thyme. It was very comfortable I'll need to get more Mat dresses throughout the summer, we have many occasions!

Picture with the Bride and Groom!
Congrats P & P!

Hope you all had a great Canada Day weekend!

Happy Independence Day my USA friends!