Monday, July 11, 2011

Baby K, Bridal Shower and a huge cupcake!?

 On Friday my order from came in! Look how cute the little hat is! I'm soo excited for baby K! This weekend I felt him moving around much more and I can't wait to meet him!

As you can tell from reading my blog I pretty much have events EVERY WEEKEND! haha! I don't mind at all, they are all fun and it's nice to see family and friends and getting all dressed up! :)

Yesterday was a cousins Bridal Shower. Here's me and my sister getting ready to go! I have lots more events coming up and I need lots more dresses!

And you would never guess what this preggo won as the centrepiece haha! A huge CUPCAKE!!!!!
They had such yummy desserts there, and a chocolate cake that was sooo delicious yum!

Being with family and friends always makes me smile :)

 Hope you all had a good weekend!

Thursday, July 07, 2011

23 weeks pregnant update!

How Far Along: 23 Weeks!
Size of baby: Large Mango (weighing just over a pound!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 21 lbs Gain.
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing maternity tights in the picture and decided to wear this regular small shirt, by the end of the day today the button on the chest busted off and the shirt felt wayyy too tight I was suffocating haha!
Cravings: Pretty much everything! But since I got pregnant one of the food aversions I had was towards Peanut butter and Jam... However, today that changed...

Some new items:
My Friend gave me her son's snow suit since baby K will be born in November he will definitely be needing one of these!

 She also gave me this baby scrapbook!


This afternoon we went out for lunch with her little man. 
We had lots of wings and fries! Yum!

Then went for a little walk.... Look at baby A with his shades ha! Cutest thing!

 I am exhausted today! and a busy weekend is ahead! Hope you all have a great weekend!

My Peg Perego Skate 2011 is on order!

My amazing Sister and Sister in law are getting me this stroller and car seat as a gift for the baby! How Amazing is that!

I'm soo excited! I went to see it again on Tuesday and really love it. It's easy to handle and love that it comes with extra accessories like the bassinet and shopping bag.

And I will get the stand separately to place the bassinet on. (I love multi purpose items :)

 Everything is coming together and even tho I was feeling a little overwhelmed this week about baby products, I resolved that and so far happy with everything..... Now just need to get to that nursery!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

22 week doctors appointment was great!

Today I had an appointment with the OB. She told me my results were perfect! She also measured my belly and said it's the perfect size! I'm a happy momma! I left there feeling great!

She also told me I could sleep anyway I want, and if I'm most comfortable on my back then so be it! The back it will be! :)

My weigh in today brings me to a 21 lbs gain.  It's funny because I can actually say this is the first time in my life that I actually LOVE my body. I joke about the weight gain and the stretch marks ain't pretty... But I honestly don't care at all! As long as doctor says I'm healthy I'm totally embracing this pregnancy and it's such a gift! I'm soo happy to be experiencing all of it!  (haha i know most mamas are saying "oh wait till the 9th month haha, and I'm sure I'll be laughing trying to lose all the weight later ;) ) But you know what I mean! For once I'm wearing tight tops showing off a growing belly and I love it!

At the OB office there were soo many preggos dressed soo cute for the summer, Big, small all sizes of bellies with the cutest outfits.

While I was out today I went to see some swings at Toys R us. I've been going crazy deciding on one. All moms have different opinions on them.

So I finally decided on this one! It's a 2 in 1. Swing and bouncer! It has good reviews and has a bunch of features I was looking for :)

I also am trying to add more fruit and veggies to my diet. The last couple weeks I've been eating everything but those!

So yesterday I went to a local farmers market and bought cherries, peaches and cucumbers. They are yummy!

Monday, July 04, 2011

Canada Day Long Weekend!

 Friday was Canada Day! The weekend was beautiful here! Friday night we enjoyed watching the fireworks from our front porch it's perfect! We get such a good view from the Amusement park (Canada's Wonderland)

Saturday we had a friends wedding. We went to high school with these friends and they are one of the few couples we know (along with my husband and I) that have been together since high school! July 2nd was their 13 year anniversary! And their wedding day!

I bought this Mat dress at Thyme. It was very comfortable I'll need to get more Mat dresses throughout the summer, we have many occasions!

Picture with the Bride and Groom!
Congrats P & P!

Hope you all had a great Canada Day weekend!

Happy Independence Day my USA friends!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

22 weeks pregnant today!

This week!
How Far Along: 22 weeks! (127 days to go!)
Size of baby: Spaghetti Squash (Baby is 1 lbs!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: haven't weighed myself, kinda scared to I ate a lot this week ha! (last week was 17lbs gain)
Maternity Clothes: A mix,  my outfit in the pic above are normal large clothes, top from winners pants from H&M
Sleep: Not too great this week, tossing and turning a lot :(
Cravings: Everything! and more sweet stuff!

Best Moment so far: Husband telling me I'm a cute preggo, and that i've only gained in my belly, he is sweet and knows how to make me smile haha.
What I'm looking forward to? meeting baby Kristian, i get big butterflies, I'm soo excited to be a mom!
What I miss: Nothing! well maybe bending down hahaha!

Some new items: haven't shopped this week. But check out my nursery and stroller ideas!

 Hope you all have a fun and safe long weekend!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nursery and Stroller idea's and wish list

I have soo many ideas for the nursery I keep going back and forth like a crazy person. I'm still going through all my ideas and even trying to decide which spare bedroom to choose, (room 1 is a perfect square with 1 window, room 2 is a longer than it is wide room with 3 windows)  I'll decide eventually, but here are some ideas I have.
A white tree on the wall (could be painted or even a sticker) I am thinking of  painting the room a Oatmeal (lighter beige) color on 3 walls and a milk chocolate color on 1 wall (same as my bedroom) Or just all oatmeal color with a brown tree.

Google Img
I'm also thinking of adding a rocking chair to the nursery. I think it's a cute touch. i also like the reclining chairs, I haven't fully decided on which one yet. I don't like to crowd a room so I may go with whichever takes less space.

I found a site with word decor and I really like this for above Kristian's crib.
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But also like these wall letters spelling out his name but afraid if I put them over the crib they might fall...
This is the crib set I like so far.
My mom already bought me this bedding set. What do you think?
Google Image

Google Image

I think I finally decided on the stroller I want too. I had another stroller in mind and I was sure I was going to go for but the other night we decided to just look at this one. One thing that sold me was the extra jumper seat that can be added. It also comes with more accessories than our first pick and has many of the same features too for half the price, bonus!. I also really liked how this one felt as I rolled it around toys r us. So for now this stroller bumped to my  #1.

 I'm sure this will not be my only blog post with my ideas ha!

Would love your feedback and any suggestions!! :)

Wordless Wednesday!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekend of Baby and Wedding stuff and dreaming big!

Husband went away on the weekend, so while he was out golfing his day away I spent all day Saturday with my sister.

We started at out favorite Breakfast Place DT (in the Junction) called Purple Onion. I love being down in that area. After BF we walked around and went to some shops. One place had a cat in the shop and the little guy must have smelled Zoe because he was all around me haha!
Sister and our full cart at HomeSense

I can't even remember the number of stores we went to, we didn't hold back and went in soo many stores. I bought a dress, makeup and some house stuff and some baby items.

Being silly, however look at those wrinkles ha! not so funny!

How cute are all these baby clothes! Baby K will love them. My sister bought baby K the gowns and the little shoes, too cute!

We also went to a whole bunch of wedding stores for sister. She found shoes she loves to go with her wedding dress, but they didn't have her size :(  We also found jewelery that will go well with her dress too. Yay!

We even made time to make cakepops! They didn't turn out as nice but they tasted great! Yum!

We ended our crazy day relaxing and watching How to lose a guy in 10 days, we love that movie!

Today I'm feeling a little tired and maybe in combination with preg hormones I'm feeling blah! I haven't been paying attention to my goals lately and I want to be sure I don't lose sight of them. So today I'll work on my vision board and be sure to still work towards the things I was working towards before. It's easy to get caught up in the day to day, and with new baby on the way and thinking like an "adult" really does put limits.  I don't like it, and I don't need to follow what I don't like (ha!) I can balance this so working on my vision board always puts things in perspective.

Never forget to DREAM BIG!

Friday, June 24, 2011

21 weeks pregnant today!


This week!
How Far Along: 21 weeks!
Size of baby: Papaya
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 17lbs gain (yikes!)
Movement: Flutters a little more often now.
Sleep: I'm out when my head hits the pillow until the alarm rings.
Cravings: Everything haha! but still not wanting too much of any meat.
Best Moment so far: Finding out it's a Boy!
Some new items:
I went to visit a friend that I hadn't seen for 8 years! We caught up and chatted like no years had passed. It was really nice. She got me these cute gifts (minus Zoe's head in the pic)

Yesterday was our 4 year wedding anniversary :) We went to a delicious Italian restaurant called Zaffarano's  :) we had fried calamari to start and my dish was a seafood risotto husband had a seafood pasta followed by tiramisu dessert Yum! The staff was soo nice there and our waiter brought us 2 free shots with the bill ahahha I told them I was pregnant and couldn't drink that, he understood ahahaha. 
After dinner we went to watch Midnight in Paris. We really enjoyed the movie.  Have you seen it?