Monday, April 08, 2013

A little this and that Monday

This weekend we continued our spring cleaning and added a lot more things to the to do and to buy list. Whoa both lists are very long!

The weather is all over the place here. Where's the warmer weather!! Baby K loves being outside running around so we need those nice days ha!

This afternoon I went with my sister and my new little niece to her first doctors appt. ughhh I love her!! She is soo cute!

When I got home I did a short work out. Since I stopped breastfeeding the scale has been moving in the wrong direction. I need to pick up the pace and watch calories! and burn more too!

Working out and watching a toddler run around the basement and not in my sight is not fun so we put the playpen in the basement and that's when baby k can get his iPad playing fix as I work out. Perfect.

I'm going to try and get a workout in everyday!

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Breakfast out with a friend

This morning baby K and I met up with friends for breakfast.

The two little ones were so cute! They were funny giving each-other toddler attitude and watching each-other closely.

They both were so good eating their breakfast but of course had their moments of toddlerness to make sure we paying attention ha!

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

I'm an auntie to another niece!

Niece number 3 made her way this morning! Mama was in labour for 15 hours! Baby E was born at 5:12am weighing 8lbs 6oz. Pure cuteness!!!

Yesterday was April fools day and my sister pulled a prank! She got both me and my sil. Saying baby E was born in the morning and she didn't have time to call us. ha! We fell for it!!! Then at her OB appt yesterday afternoon, her doc sent her to the hospital to induce labor. Not a April fools joke haha. 15 hours later she came!

I went to the hospital first thing this morning to see her!

Ahhhh I love her!!!!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter! And 17 months old!

Happy Easter! Baby K had so much fun with his cousins today. We did a Easter egg hunt and boy did he bring home a lot of chocolate and gifts from the family.

Baby K is now 17 months old! My baby! You are growing sooo fast!

You are 20lbs! You are still in size 4 diapers and in 12-18 months clothes.

You sleep about 14 hours a day, usually 10-11 through the night straight and 1-2 naps during the day.

You have 10 teeth! And 2 more molars poking their way out!

You are speaking a lot more every day! saying 15 words we understand and a bunch of your own words in baby talk. Oh and can't forget when you repeat us, that's always shocking and funny to us.

You want to copy everything we do!
You catch on so quickly and amaze us everyday!

You are a sweet boy that loves hugging and kissing us but you also show your attitude when you don't get your way, Drama!

The weather is getting nicer and we are looking forward to taking you out to many places to explore.

You had a fun weekend running around to visit family and playing in the park.

Monday, March 25, 2013

My must haves when traveling with baby

Like I mentioned in yesterday's post, I had 3 days to plan a vacation. I didn't have just myself to think about, packing for baby k is a big job!

Thinking of what to bring for baby k I categorized them by,

Clothes/personal items

I then went through what I thought a day would be like and made sure I had all parts of the day covered. Meals, clothing day and night, swim gear etc ;)

I over packed on the meds part haha I just think of different scenarios and pack it all. Baby Tylenol, benedryl, Camilla, polysporin, bandaids, spectra for kids, desitin for diaper rash. Aveeno baby sunblock.

Luckily I didn't need to use any! Well other than the sunblock which he had lathered on him many times throughout the day. Along with a sun hat.

I packed the Tylenol in my carry on just in case.

Diapers check, wipes check oh and hand and face wipes that I carried in my purse a must have all day everyday to keep the germs away.

I knew the travel time was going to be long so I had to make sure I packed his sippy cup and snacks, diaper and wipes in my carry on. (Like any regular day ha)

Snacks like gold fish, cereal bars and puffs and even the baby purée pkg, I was surprised that he had a few and liked them. Made me feel better that he wasn't going hungry while in the plane and bus. Especially when we were going, everything was delayed and the trip was longer than expected.

When it came to toys, I wasn't going to pack all his favorite toys.. We were over in our baggage weight to begin with ha!

Beach toys were a must... A few other toys that were light and easy to bring. On pthe plane, our phones and iPad was what really kept him entertained the whole trip, that and looking out the window he loved that.

Baby K was a great traveler, and even though the travel day was long, going and coming thankfully it all went smooth!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Back from vacation! 6 days in Jamaica!

I didn't talk about going on vacation because I actually didn't even know we were going to go on one! 2 weeks ago my husband called me from work and said he is getting time off work and to book a trip ASAP! So I booked, planned and packed a vacation in 3 days and we were off to Ocho Rios Jamaica! Talk about a rush!

Baby K didn't even have any summer clothes that fit! I had to run out and buy him a summer wardrobe and swim gear. Not a problem at all tho shopping for my cutie haha.

I was a little worried about going on vacation so close to my sisters due date too! But it all worked out and she's still pregnant! Haha we want baby E to hurry and and come now! ;)

Baby K is a great little traveler! Of course being a toddler he had his moments but overall he was great the whole trip! He loved being in a different setting. On the beach and sand under the sun, he loved it. He learned so much the past week, his vocabulary expanded, he mastered using the ipad for apps he loves, motor skills like using the fork himself more often to eat and balancing while he makes a run for it. He came back a different little baby.

I will blog more about our trip during the week! Like my must haves while traveling with a toddler.

Friday, March 15, 2013

My boy is growing up fast!

Whenever baby K does something new it's soo amazing to me. He's growing up soo fast!

He has the biggest smile and laugh and loves being around everyone!

Yesterday we had a playdate with my little niece. They are too sweet together. They played for hours and had soo much fun! As soon as she walked in he was bringing her to his toys especially his dancing Mickey Mouse his favorite toy!

We've been doing a lot of running around these days and he points out things that are familiar. We walked by shoes today and right away he pointed and said shoes! While lifting his foot up ha! Anytime he sees a apple whether on TV, in a book or at the grocery store he will yell Aaaaaapple! Ahh I can't take this cuteness! P He is learning more and more word and he's repeating a lot these days so we need to be careful what we say around him ;)

Baby K also knows how to work the iPhone to put music on to dance to, watch videos in my camera roll, slide thru and take pics too ha! Oh and he will open my phone and respond to a text haha. While out to dinner tonight my iPhone was his entertainment and I found so many pics he took while there, one pic below of his face.

Tonight baby k and I went for wings with my sister. She's 38 week preggo and waddling around ;)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

These cute performers and the weekend

How cute is my niece and baby K singing and dancing. Ha! I can't get enough of these two together!

My sister is due soon and she's having a girl. That gives me 3 nieces! Lots of pink and bows haha!

A little late but a weekend recap with pics below :)

Daylight saving time has our schedule out of whack. Everything is later. Sleeping in, later naps and later bedtime. I'm not sure how to move it all back up an hour. Hmm!

Over the weekend we did a lot of running around visiting family. My BIL got a little kitten which is soooooooo adorable!!! Baby K wanted to squeeze it ha!

I also spent a couple hours at the hospital with my aunt while DH babysat. she's doing better everyday and we are praying for her everyday! Hope she can get out and home soon!

Friday, March 08, 2013

Some new toys

I finally got a new phone, I've been wanting the iPhone 5 for a little while now. I'm excited to have better and clearer pics and more space on my phone! I pretty much blog with the blogger app 95% of the time so this is great for me. Now if I can just come out of my blogging block that I've had lately then I will be good to go ha!

This morning we did a little shopping. Every time I go out I come back with something for baby K, whether it be clothes or toys or treats, something!

Today I bought a little BBQ set, Lol Elmo and a bucket set for the sand. I'm getting ready for Spring haha.

I have my eye on many backyard toys for baby K, and I'm excited to set up a little playground. So I will be on the hunt for some deals!

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

A little Spring Cleaning

I've been a little MIA lately. Just a lot going on these days. I have a lot if things I wanted to blog about but just haven't had the motivation to do it!

Little K is teething and the past 2 days he has been irritable during the day. Today he seems a lot better, fingers crossed! I give Camilla teething drops when he is fussy. And Tylenol as well. Teething is no fun!

I've been starting to do a little spring cleaning too. My spring list of wants is pretty long! Eek! Sunglasses, shoes, spring clothes, purses, house items, backyard items and baby backyard toys too haha

I'm also starting a new workout schedule and hope to shed these unwanted pounds!

Cleaning out the house and cleaning out the body! My march spring cleaning.

Have you started spring cleaning yet?
What's on your list of wants for spring?