Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Time to get back on track!

This weekend I was feeling a little under the weather, just down and not like myself. We went out for my brothers birthday last night... I had originally said no to the event, but I knew I needed to get myself out and glad I did, we had a great time :)

We went to Copacabana Brazilian Steak House. I ate enough meat to last me a month! Hah!

The last couple of weeks have really been up and down. Last week we ended up eating out a lot! I think I tried every culture of food possible in a week. Chinese/Japanese/Italian/Brazilian/Middle eastern/Korean/Thai Yikes!
And my scale shows it!
My BMI is currently at OVERWEIGHT! At 27.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
My new goal is to get at least at the higher bmi of the Normal weight 24.9 which means I need to drop 15lbs!

So this week I'm getting back on track!
Back to working out and eating healthy!

New Goals:
*1500 Calories/day
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app"
*Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* Tuesday RollerBlading
* Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday basement work out: Ab Lounge, Gazelle and workout DVD's
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!)
*More fruits and Veggies as daily snacks.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Happy July 4 to my American friends! :)

On a side note, We have been letting Zoe out on a leash in the backyard...
And I think she got stung by a bee! Look at her swollen paw! :(

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A walk in nature

Tonight I went down to the city. My sister and I went for a walk in High Park. We walked for about an hour and a half. It was a great work out. I wore my easytones and I just know I will feel it tomorrow.

This little guy joined us for a little while, following us around until we got pretty freaked out and ran away from it ha!

It was such a beautiful night for a walk too.

I decided to really revamp my workouts this summer and will be getting into it next week. I'll blog about it when I come up with my new schedule. I also decided to buy ROLLER BLADES! Yippy! I'm getting them this weekend. I need to focus my attention on other things or I will make myself crazy... and focusing on exercise will help in more ways than one! :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Great weekend and new workout DVD's!

Hope you all had a good weekend! I know Zoe did ahhah! Such a little trouble maker!

I had a great weekend, it was relaxing and tried my best to keep the stress away!

I rocked my easy tones all weekend. I did all my errands with them on, cleaned the house with them on and even worked out with them on. I feel them working my thighs and tushy. So far so good!

At walmart they had a sale on workout DVD's. 2 for $10. So I bought 2 of them.

So far I tried the ten minute workout. I love it! Although I enjoyed the 30 day Shred as well I found that it would make me dizzy going up and down from lunges to laying down- doing abs then back up etc... This new 10 minute workout has 10min cardio, then 10 min lower bod then 10 min upper.. see below...
The 10 min cardio is a really good work out and it makes you sweat! All while standing up no laying down haha! My workouts are remaining as minimum 3x week and on days I'm not that busy i'll add in the 10 min cardio for a total 5 days when I can. :)

I'm adding some extras to my diet this week. Plenty of broccoli since it helps with increasing metabolism, plums that are rich in dietary fiber :) and pistachios which also contain lots of fiber.

Hoping for a good week! :) Hope you all have a good week too!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Not a lazy Monday

Well maybe at work my day felt like Zoe's. But tonight I'm pumped! I almost ate fast food for dinner but when in the car my alarm went off reminding me it's a workout night...I thought, how could I ruin that with fast food YUK! No way! so I came home, shoved aside the laziness and made a healthy stirfry dinner :) Whew! Good thing for my 530pm alarm!

I'm wearing my easy tones in the house and will be working out soon for 30 mins today. Monday's and Wednesday's are my easy workouts because they are also my nights I work in my home office. (my new schedule allows me time for everything! ;)

Also, bloggy friend suggested I take my body measurement to track my results of wearing the easy tones. So I will do that this week. Great suggestion!

MMM Vanilla Pudding! Last night I made vanilla pudding and enough for the whole week. A little snack to add to my strawberries to change it up a little bit. YUM!
How was your Monday!?

Sunday, May 02, 2010

New weekly diet approach

My flowers are blooming and the whole yard is looking great and full of color! I still haven't decided on the plants for the backyard.. I'll get to that eventually ha!
The weather was warm and humid this weekend. Hate the humidity, but I'll take the warmth. Zoe loves relaxing by the window catching up on her tan hahhaha!

I did really well in following my diet this week. I kept everyday under 1500 calories worked out and I feel great. However, it’s not enough to move that scale! I lost 1lbs, not much for my deprivation of many foods.

I know I’m lacking in the workout dept. I need to workout longer and add more days. I really do not want to decrease calories too much, so I keep it 1300-1500 and most days reach the 1500. I’m all about healthy lifestyle and really want to be sure I can maintain the same way not just in weeks and months but years! So that’s why I try to stick to a plan I know I will follow regardless of what life throws in, (busy day, work, events etc. But… I know I need to work out more. So I’m adding more days of working out, and adding a jogging day too! 3 days a week will be the minimum, but I will plan 5 days of working out.

Our new BBQ has really helped in making a better variety for dinners. Tonight we has Salmon and corn. It was delicious!
We also had some desserts... I want my cake and to eat it TOOO! So let's see how this week goes. Adding in some extra workouts, keeping calories in check but also leaving room for what life brings, and if life brings me a brownie.... I will enjoy it! ha! :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

100 Calorie snacks

Tuesday! and following my plan perfectly! 200 calories left and will be at 1450 cals for the day!

What's working for me:

*Source granola yogurt for breakfast. Really liking these :)

*4pm snack - I have half a sandwich (about 200 cals) to ensure I make it home to make dinner without starving and then over eating.

*Buying no junk food for the house, so if I want it, I'll need to go out and get it!! haha!

Items I snack on during the day under 100 calories:
Handful of melon
100 cal granola bars
Fuji Apple

To make sure I don't "forget" to workout I put an alarm on my phone that rings on the days of my work outs reminding me to GO WORKOUT! And that I did after work today! :)

I was asked if I track my calories online, I actually track my calories on my Iphone App "My Fitness Pal" I really like this app. You can search for all foods and it will give you the calories for them. It also has the categories for Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and saves what you put in.

....Now I just need that scale to move more! ha!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Got a sweet tooth?

I had a perfect Monday, I haven't had a perfect Monday in a while! Except when I was on vacation ha! Today I followed my diet plan to a T! Then tonight while watching TV I started having sweet cravings! UGH OH.

The good news, I have noo junk food in my house! I make it a rule now to not even go down those aisles! I made sure to buy plenty of fruit yesterday, so to calm my sweet tooth I munched on some delicious strawberries with a large glass of water.

Today's goals were met :) Calories were kept under 1500! :)

Happy week everyone!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vacation is over, now it's time to lose those pounds!

I had a fun carefree week on vacation, no counting calories no exercise (although, we did walk and swim a lot!) and no worries. The good news is I did not gain a pound, not one! whoohoo for that!

It's time to get back on track! I still have not met my 10 lbs weight loss goal :( I have a new schedule that is going pretty good but no pounds are being shed! So hopefully with no interruption my next couple weeks I will see some results!

Here are my goals for the week :)

* Tea and 1 slice of toast for BF.
* Only 1 small coffee a day if needed
* Salads for lunch everyday! :) (spinach and romaine with cottage cheese and chickpeas)
* Fruits and nuts for daily snacks (Melons, strawberries, almonds and walnuts)
* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app" 1300-1500 Cals a day
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 days a week basement work out: Ab Lounge and Gazelle 1 hour work outs
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!) :) Kicking this habit right on!

Timr to lose some pounds!!

Update on my ovarian cyst. My doctor called today and said my last ultrasound was all ok. I'm going in tomorrow to get the details on that. But All OK sounds GOOD TO ME!!! :)

Hope you are all having a great week!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Lemon Crisp Pie, ugh oh!

Lemon Crisp Pie! = TORTURE! This delicious pie is in my fridge and taunting meee! I told the husband to make it disappear, but not to throw it away because that's such a waste! aahah! So he said he will eat a HUGE piece so there is less left ahahah!

Husband was off work today and sent me this pic of him working in the backyard.

I was so jealous being indoors all day at work, I love being home especially when the weather is sooooo nice!!

Tonight was a beautiful night so we ate dinner outdoors :). I wasn't feeling so good after work, I had really bad backaches. BUT I took some advil and all was good. Even got my work out in tonight :)

Pork chops with Veggie chili for dinner :)

Jamaica Trip is getting close!

Here are my bikini goals for the week :)

* Tea and 1 slice of toast for BF.
* Only 1 small coffee a day if needed
* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app" 1300-1500 Cals a day
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 days a week basement work out: Ab Lounge and Gazelle 1 hour work outs
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!) :) Kicking this habit right on!

Health update: Tomorrow I'm going for an ultrasound to check up on my Ovarian Cyst. I really hope it's gone!! fingers crossed! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Plenty of fruits and veggies in my day

I had no coffee today! not one! and I felt great. A little on the slow side without the caffeine boost but it felt good to save those calories for other items!

I track my calories on my iphone (I fitness app) and the whole work day I ate 541 Calories! I was not hungry AT ALL. I even came home after work made dinner with nooo hunger pains! (and no crankiness ahah!)

I took advice from my friends on WW and fruits and veggies are allowed in endless amounts and a couple diet books I read, list some low GI fruits and veggies to munch on. Like Apples and melons.

This weeks day time menu will be:
Green Tea and half a whole grain bagel with a touch of peanut butter: 100 cals
Cucumber, cilantro, chickpeas, romaine lettuce with a tablespoon of balsamic dressing and tablespoon of low fat cottage cheese: 150 cals
1 tbsp of walnuts: 41 cals
1 cup of melons: 60 cals
fuji apple: 40 cals
4pm sandwich to get me through the drive home and making dinner: 150 cals
I drank 2 Green Tea's today and plenty of water. What I liked about today was that I also had a smaller dinner portion than I usually do. I think it was because I was well fueled the whole day. So I will follow this plan all week!

I will also add in a Nuplus Smoothie some days to get in those extra fruits and veggies! :)

Tonight's dinner was really good (not the greatest pic sorry) I made beef stirfry with asparagus, mushrooms, onions and peppers. I only had 2 spoons full of rice, and I was stuffed!

Weekly goals :)

* Tea and 1 slice of toast for BF.
* Only 1 small coffee a day if needed
* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app" 1300-1500 Cals a day
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 days a week basement work out: Ab Lounge and Gazelle 1 hour work outs
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!) :) Kicking this habit right on!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy with my new schedule!

As many of you have read, last week I had a meltdown and with that meltdown came evaluation of my time management.

I've come up with a great schedule that allows me to get everything I need to get done in a week!

So far my week has been great and stress free!

Cooking Mon-Thurs at home a must! Weekends off :)

Working on our side business 2 nights a week.

Working out 3 times a week.

And who can forget, RELAX TIME! Have that in there too!

Diet update: My scale decides to change it's mind on a daily basis, really frustrating. I'm hoping with my new schedule I will start seeing some REAL results!

Hope you are all having a great week!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lazy Monday Staying Indoors.

This is what it looks like here today, dark rainy, chilly! Husband and I woke up feeling under the weather, so we stayed home from work today.

Zoe wasn't feeling up to much either...
We decided to move our vacation up to April instead of June. Reason 1, I am having meltdowns regularly so I think a vacation is needed aha! But the real reason which is probably the cause of these meltdowns is work, the next couple of months husband and I will have busy days at work so we may not be able to take the time off. That is fine, because that means vacation is sooner than we thought!

We picked a place that was not on my list at all.... JAMAICA! I have never been there and to tell you the truth when I read they had Jerk chicken and corn on their beach grill....ummm that sealed the deal for me hahah!

So my goals the next few weeks are much more serious, bikini type serious!

Weekly goals :)

* Tea and 1 slice of toast for BF.
* Fruits/yogurt for mid morning snack
* Only 1 small coffee a day
* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app" 1300 Cals a day
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 days a week basement work out: Ab Lounge and Gazelle 1 hour work outs
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!) :) Kicking this habit right on!
* 5 days a week Calli Cleansing Tea

Monday, March 15, 2010

No more 30Day Shred

This weekend was fun, Saturday we helped my mom paint her house and Sunday husband and I went shopping in the afternoon. While we were out we treated ourselves to a Honeydew Bubble Tea and Chinese pineapple sweet bread. YUM! But not part of my diet plan of course hahha!

I decided not to incorporate the 30 day shred in my work outs any more. The jumping up and down made me feel sick more than once and it hurts the knees! It's a great work out and works well in toning. But I rather do my Gazelle and Ab lounge. :)

Today for lunch I had 12 whole grain crackers with Veggies. I'm really liking this combo and I buy all different types of veggie packages for variety.

This week, is week 2 of the Nuplus shake and Calli Tea cleanse. So far so good , and nuplus shakes are so easy to make, love that!

Weekly goals :)

* 5 Days a week Nuplus Shake for BF - 1 slice of toast for mid-morning snack.
* Only 1 medium coffee a day
* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app)
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 days a week basement work out/ or jogging. Weather is getting nice!
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!) :)
* 5 days a week Calli Cleansing Tea

Monday, March 08, 2010

New weekly goals

New weekly goals :)

* 5 Days a week Nuplus Shake for BF - 1 slice of toast for mid-morning snack.
* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app)
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* 3 days a week basement work out (1 day Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video 2 days Gazelle)
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!)
* 5 days a week Calli Cleansing Tea

Sunny @ thatextra20pounds sent me many different recipes with the Nuplus packages. Nuplus has 14 Chinese all natural fruits and vegetables in a packet. Yesterday I didn't have any of the ingredients to make the yummy berry shake in the pic above, so I mixed the Nuplus package with milk and a squirt of nesquik for a chocolate milk and it tasted great! :) In the top picture I blended frozen berries with milk,1 yogurt pkg and 1 Nuplus pkg to make a shake for tomorrows BF. Sunny's recipe does not include the yogurt, and I think I will listen and leave it out, it makes it a little too frothy, sorry Sunny, I never listen ahaha!! :)

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Gazelle work out

This morning I went for my B12 shot and my funny doctor said "Do ppl say, wow that girl has energy" hahh! I said NOPE! she said "OK then it's not working yet". ahahah She makes me laugh. Just as she was asking me I was thinking in my head how what a horrible schedule I have. I get to bed late, wake up late, arrive everywhere late. Yesterday I was so tired that I fell asleep at 6pm when I got home from work! Now that's not a girl with energy. NOPE!

So part of my new exercise goals I'm mixing the Shred DVD and my Gazelle workouts. I like changing it up. That way when I don't feel like doing one, I'll do the other.
Tonight there are some shows on Tv that I like. Modern Family and Cougar town. hilarious! My TV snack was carrots and dip :) (well the dip part is not too good, but good thing I didn't like it to much so left a lot :)

On the way home from work tonight we stopped by Winners and Homesense. I only walked out with a button shirt and also this piece of art. I love word art. Especially when it was only $10.00 :)

Today my lower back was hurting alot. I'm glad it doesn't hurt everyday but it's been hurting about twice a week. When will this cyst bursttttt already! I can't take it anymoreee!.... that's my little bit of drama, I'll just leave it at that.

I'm hoping to get to bed sorta early tonight. :) Good night!!

Monday, March 01, 2010


Here are my weekly goals :)

* 5 days a week of home cooking, include many "green" veggies.
* Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST!
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app)
* 3 bite rule on sweets
* Bring left over dinners for lunch the next day and monitor portions ;)
* 3 days a week basement work out (1 day Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video 2 days Gazelle)
* No fast food! (no burgers, no fries, no pop!)

This weekend I over ate a lot! and not with the healthiest foods. But we had a great weekend full of fun and.......

Canada won GOLD in Hockey!!!!! Olympics this year was amazing! I really enjoyed it.

Hope you all had a great weekend too.

(I also want to take a moment to pray for those in Chile that were affected by the earthquake. A good friends mother and grandparents are there visiting. They are ok, but we are praying for their safe return to Canada.

Also a friends sister just gave birth to her twins. One is 3lbs and the other 2.4lbs :( they are little fighters and little miracles, I'm praying so much for their health)